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Neocron 2 Patch Notes
Neocron is 15
Written by Brammers   
Saturday, 16 September 2017

Neocron celebrates a major milestone this week.

15 years ago, Neocron went retail. The Neocron Support team are celebrating this milestone with a content patch including a mission that allows you to enable character transfers  of your old Titan, Mercury and Mars characters.

Happy Anniversary Neocron from all of us at the THN.

Neocron Evolves again - Patch on Sarturday 12th November
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 08 November 2016

It's finally here - news has been released when the next big patch will be released on Official Neocron servers.

A small summary - "...thousands of lines of code. Huge chunks of Neocron’s underlying systems have been gutted and entirely re-engineered from the ground up. Where there was once an unruly and at times haphazard weapon system, now lies a modern and efficient system. Acting as a foundation to be built upon the future the new system is designed with flexibility, growth and agile iteration in mind." ... and much more.

Full details on the patch news can be found here on the official forums.. The patch notes will be released on the day of the patch.

Neocron news update - Patch 186-188 released and other Neocron news
Written by Brammers   
Friday, 08 August 2014

It's been a busy week with Neocron, with news and updates coming from all over the place.

As this is quite a big update, please click on Read More.

Double XP weekend 16th-18th May 2014
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 14 May 2014

The Official Neocron Facebook page has passed the 1000 likes milestone.

So to celebrate, the NST are having a Double XP weekend - it runs from the 16th - 18th May. Spread the word everyone!

April Fools: Revealed - The new Neocron engine
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 01 April 2014

For months, the THN has suspected the Neocron Support Team has been working on something pretty big and amazing. We wasn't wrong.

This morning the big news was revealed - A brand new, totally sick, state of the art game engine.

Rather then tell you everything here on the THN you can read more about the new game engine along with 6 screenshots at the official Neocron website .


New Look Neocron Website!
Written by nEo1664   
Saturday, 15 February 2014

Overnight has seen the new Neocron website launch! Check it out here www.neocron-game.com

To celebrate this launch, the Neocron Support Team have made this weekend DoubleXP ! So hurry up, get viewing on the new site, and get ingame!

See you guys in Tech Haven ;)

Neocron dev-update - Sparta IS coming
Written by Brammers   
Friday, 06 September 2013

The latest dev-update is now available, and it's a massive update. This month the dev-update covers

  • How Neocron will be developed in future to bring you patches quicker.
  • How the Neocron Support Team plan to bring you the Sparta Balance Patches.
  • When Sparta is planning to launch.
  • News on the upcoming retail R#184 patch
  • Soul Light System & Improved 'Bad Guy' Experience
  • Updates CityCom Missions, Newbie Dungeons and Mob Variety
  • Neocron's New Art Department

The big news is on Sparta, and there is even a rough date for when Sparta will arrive. The date is sooner than you think, so you want to find out when? Go and read the dev-update here , and get onto Titan and start getting some PvP practice in so that you are ready for SPARTAAAAAA!





Neocron - Migration to new infrastructure
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 17 June 2013

The neocron infrastructure is being migrated to a new host. Here is the current status of the move.

  • Titan server - Offline
  • Neocron forums - Currently working
  • Neocron IRC -  Currently working
  • Neocron API -  Offline
  • Public Test Server -  Offline

We are aware that Zoltan moved the domain controller yesterday and it looks like there are some issues from the work carried out.

For the latest news, please follow the Official Neocron Twitter account or the THN Twitter account . Any news we get, we will get out as soon as possible.

In the mean time, feel free to drop into the THN Forums for a chat.

Update 17/6/2013 13:28BST: No official word yet nearly all systems are back except the Neocron API.
Update 17/6/2013 13:40BST: Looks like the API is back online, so the Stats DB and the Neocron Information System are back.
Update 17/6/2013 14:47BST: Spoke too soon. API is down again.
Update 17/6/2013 19:16BST: Test server isn't online at this time. We have also found this Facebook update (6 hours old)

"Servers are currently being migrated to a new host. We will have more information for you soon. Please sit tight, your Neocrack will be back online as soon as possible."

Update 18/6/2013 11:40BST: Late last night, the forums and IRC got moved. Both are back up and running.

Update 18/6/2013 13:12BST: Titan is currently being migrated. No ETA for when this will be done.

Update 19/6/2013 10:00BST: The data transfer was succesful and the data is currently being reloaded. No ETA yet for when the servers will be online.

Update: 20/06/2013 19:18BST: The servers were up for a while, but there is an issue with UDP packets in the new infrastucture. More info in this thread .

Development Update - April 2013
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 14 May 2013

The Neocron Support Team has just released the April Development update. It includes news on:-

  • SPARTA! - The forthcoming balance test server
  • Soullight System updates
  • And explosive news on the current storyline!

You can read it here on the official forums.

Retail Patch 181!
Written by nEo1664   
Saturday, 23 March 2013

Tonight has seen the latest patch onto the Titan retail server, patch Retail#181!

Patch notes:
Technical changes:

  • Fixed several exploits
  • Used an approach similar to splines to smooth interpolation
  • Several further tweaks to the interpolation
  • Fixed rubberband bug
  • Fixed hacknet mobs not dealing damage
  • Fixed parsing of default options for several NPCs
  • Fixed a buffer overflow when updating world actors
  • Raised Neocron's bandwidth limitations
  • Fixed several reasons for invisible damage
  • Fixed an error which lead to items dropping from the trade window back into the player's inventory
  • Music should now play independent of the windows compatibility mode setting
  • The damage of beam weapons should now be calculated correctly
  • Fixed beams not showing on several weapons

Gameplay changes:
  • Added the techlevel of the item to construct to blueprints
  • Law enforced players are now buffable by non law enforced players, but not vice versa!
  • The existing speed cap has been adjusted so speed tapers off more dramatically at higher livels of agility and athletics. Players with extreme speed setups will see a reduction of speed.

Check out the patch discussion here


Patch 179/180
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 11 February 2013
Last week, Patch 179 was released, followed by patch 180 to address some stability issues introduced. You can discuss the patch here.

Technical changes:
  • Reworked netcode (see known issues)
  • Window mode now supports very high resolutions as well (numbers must be multiples of two)
  • Fixed a number of exploits and critical security issues
  • Fixed a number of bad world data causes
  • Fixed an issue with the loginserver
  • Fixed a number of gameserver crashes
  • Fixed incorrect team money distribution
  • Team money distribution is now calculated at once instead of receiving all money first, then paying a share to teammates
  • Fixed a bug that caused NPCs to retreat from combat
  • NPCs now use a line of sight for targeting that is comparable to that of player characters
  • Fixed drones not launching in a number of situations
  • Reduced wait time between drone launches, in case a launch failed
  • Appartment passwords may now contain the ' char
  • Account passwords may now contain the chars . and #
  • Slightly tweaked/increased overall performance

Content changes:
  • High level Plasma Pistols can now be obtained from the Canyon Smuggler.
  • Misc. smaller fixes

Known Issues:
  • Netcode/Clipping: The reworked netcode is much more accurate than any previous version. While this is great in many ways and will reward good movement in PvP, it also introduces a problem: With player movement not being the soft pulp it used to be, the uncapped Evol 2.2 runspeeds can now make it very difficult to keep lock on your target. We feel that it may be benefitial for PvP to tone down ultra fast runspeeds even before we get to the greater balancing. Of course, we appreciate constructive feedback regarding the matter and will continue to observe how things pan out on retail.
  • Server stability: The patch introduced a number of new issues of which we have contained many, but not all. Naturally, a fix for the known issues will be provided at the soonest possibility.
Patch 178
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 15 January 2013

A hotfix Patch 178 was released yesterday. This fixes a few issues found in the 177 patch.

  • Fixed several server side crashes
  • Fixed a problem with the patcher
  • TL92 Pulselaser Pistol is back in stock
  • Staff Sergeant Van Dyk moved
  • Turrets in Energy Core 2 now shoot back

Discussion on the patch continues in this thread.

Patch 177
Written by Brammers   
Friday, 11 January 2013

Patch 177 got released a few days ago. Apologies for being late with the news, but we got excited about the new MC5 changes!

Technical changes:

  • Fixed a number of exploits
  • Fixed a number of server and client crashes
  • Fixed a bug that could lead to damaged chardata
  • Interpolation fix redone from the ground up
  • Fixed an issue preventing players from activating Gene Replicators inside apartments
  • Fixed GenRep costs for Crahn, Black Dragon, Tsunami Syndicate, Fallen Angels and Twilight Guardian HQs to reflect their post-DoY locations.
  • Fixed the combat rank of droners being lower than expected in certain cases
  • Fixed drone AoE damage, LEd droners now damage themselves as well as their drones
  • Fixed Fallen Angels CityCom missions
  • Fixed the CR being too low when changing zones inside a vehicle
  • Fixed CR being too high inside hacknet
  • Fixed the respawn behaviour of several container types (containers spawning quest items, e.g. Grim's ID cube, as well as hacknet code fragments)
  • Fixed the buy/sell window covertly resetting the amount to a value of 1 when clicking buy/sell. Now it properly retains the previous value
  • Fixed item count not corresponding with the entered amount when moving stacks of items
  • Significantly increased rare part drop chances for Warbots and a number of related techmobs.

Content changes:
  • Overhaul of H14 and the H14 Command Unit
  • Replanted several trees in J 04
  • Fixed several floating objects in H 15 and fixed the hole in the fence near MC5
  • Arrested the thief of the sign post in the newbie Area MC5 and returned the sign safely to its home
  • New vendors have moved into Battle Dome
  • Female vendors now have the correct skin
  • Outzone Sewer Sec-1 now uses the correct world
  • Added Outzone and Pepper Park apartment key smuggler to Pepper Park Sec-1
  • Black Dragon contacts have been sighted outside of the Pussy Club
  • Fixed a number of gameworld bugs and missing objects in Via Rosso Sectors 1, 2 and 3.
  • Fixed a number of gameworld bugs and missing objects in Pepper Park Sectors 1, 2 and 3 including the Crahn Church
  • The Snack-A-Tack shop in Pepper Park Sec-3 went out of business
  • Removed OOC advertisment in Pepper Park Sec-1 and Via Rosso Sec-2

Known issues:
  • Sometimes after zoning the screen becomes grey/blue/whatever, to fix it press alt+e twice

You can discuss the patch here on the official forums .


Neocron Updates
Written by nEo1664   
Saturday, 29 December 2012

Well hopefully you have all have a Merry Christmas, and are looking forward to a Happy New Year celebration!

Despite this holiday season, the Neocron Support Team have still been hard at work. 

The IRC server has now changed, from irc.neocron.info over to the new domain for both the forums, the micro-site, and IRC server.

If you use the online web-chat from the Neocron Forums, then this will be updated accordingly. If you use your own IRC client, then you will need to update your server to: irc.neocron-game.com

The channels are the same, so hop onto the new IRC server, and join #neocron channel!


In other news, the team have also released on the PTS Patch #177, and there is a pretty good rumour that work into the next retail patch is also under way!

Stay tuned for more info soon(tm)!

Patch 176 - Hotfix
Written by Brammers   
Sunday, 02 December 2012

Patch 176 hotfix is out.

This resolved most of the serious issues that came with patch 175. There was also a rollback to the start of 175, which was unfortunate however we do now have a patched and working game again.

Patch notes are here and please discuss the patch in this tread 

Technical changes

Implemented a fallback inside the D3D9 driver, older cards should work again
Enlarged horizontal field of view to 110 degrees
Fixed several possible reasons for server crashes
Fixed issues with the netcode causing packet loss

Gameplay changes

Fixed issues with terminal missions in several HQs

Patch 175
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 29 November 2012

It's here Patch 175 has been released. There are a couple of important things to remember with this patch.

1. The first few days of the patch is an evaluation period.

"The evaluation period means, that should something go terribly wrong we can perform a rollback (to the prepatch state) so we can restore the Neocron service. Nevertheless, we encourage players to continue playing as normal and follow their every day life, while we monitor the situation in the background to ensure everything is alright. Obviously we hope everything will go smoothly and after those two days, the testing status will be revoked and there will be no rollback. "

2. Please report all bug to this forum and please discuss the patch in this thread.

3. Make sure you install the latest version of Direct-X and the C++2010 runtime.

4. Click the "Configuration..." Button in the launcher and select "Configure Hardware..." then update your settings and press "OK" (ensure your neocron.ini is not set to read only please)

5. Enjoy the patch notes. :)

Technical changes:

  • Dropped support for DirectX 7
  • Changed FoV, therefore players seem to be slower
  • Fixed numerous exploits and vulnerabilities
  • Fixed several possible server crashes
  • Fixed a bug that stopped Neocron from launching when certain applications are open ("Chrome Bug")
  • Fixed a crash on alt+tab in wastelands in fullscreen mode
  • Fixed the main menu going black on alt+tab in fullscreen mode
  • Fixed a crash caused by neocron.ini not being writable
  • Changed the way interpolation is handeled ("clipping fix")
  • Tweaked the netcode to always include y updates and update more frequently
  • Fixed a bug that caused the HUD not being rendered on screenshots
  • Screenshots are now saved as .jpg
  • Fixed a bug that caused the HUD to reset to default state after a crash
  • Removed legacy elements from the HUD (e.g.: recover backpack)
  • Fixed misalignment of worldmap at widescreen resolutions (fullscreen mode)
  • Fixed culling problems with widescreen resolutions (fullscreen mode)
  • Fixed misaligned outpost signs
  • Added widescreen resolutions to the launcher configuration panel
  • Added Anisotropic Filtering, configurable via the launcher configuration panel
  • Fixed truncation of entries inside error.log
  • Added timestamps to the damage log
  • Fixed Venture Warp returning players to appartment

Content changes:
  • Turned around the CopBot staring at the wall in Plaza Sector 1 (after 8 years, the wall wins)
  • Temporarily removed outpost turrets
  • Added TL92 Tangent Assault Pulselaser Pistol to high level tech pistol vendor
  • Added TL63 Gatlin Cannon to high level low tech cannon vendor
  • Added permenant spawn for the Outzone 2 High Tech Cannon Smuggler
  • Added entrance to the Drone Racetrack
  • Added RN Terminals to Crahn HQ
  • Replaced Outzone Station ambient sound
  • Removed OOC advertisement from the Plaza area
  • Fixed a conflict between Reza's Calling & Regant's Faith Missions
  • Fixed spawn of Heff in TG Canyon.
  • Fixed spawn of Malfunctioning Warbot Prototype in the MIRL-600 Warhammer Mission
  • Fixed drop rate of fragment from Tacholytium Titan Warbot for Crahn Epic mision #4. Now always drops for those with the mission.
  • Fixed a large number of wrong object types (e.g.: CityComs being tagged as chairs)
  • Fixed position and alignment for a large number of static objects and NPCs
  • Fixed many more miscellaneous gameworld issues
  • Added a new loading screen

Gameplay changes
  • Fixed an issue with team xp calculation
  • Fixed combat rank not always being updated
  • Fixed a bug that allowed overcasting of stronger shields.
  • Fixed low level drones being very hard to use
  • Reduced the intensity of visual interference when Drones are being damaged
  • Fixed several issues and exploits concerning casting
  • Changed the way combat ranks are being calculated
  • Fixed AI not being able to target drones in special cases
  • Fixed a reloading bug

Known Issues
  • Entering wildcards in the player search does not work anymore, in case you want to know how many players are online, have a look at the front page of the official fansite Tech Haven Network
  • Sometimes after zoning the screen becomes grey/blue/whatever, to fix it press alt+e twice


Patch #175 Release and Stress Test Announced
Written by CMaster   
Monday, 26 November 2012

The word has gone out, via Alduin that retail patch 175 will be released to the servers on Wednesday 28th November at around 1800 UTC/GMT (1900 CET).

The first two days of the new patch will be a "stress testing" period, during which server stability will be closely monitored. Any major issues will see a rollback to the complete pre-patch state of the server. Sucsess will hopefully mean a better, more exciting Neocron for all.

Server news - Titan is now live
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 20 September 2012

The Titan server is now Live - Mokoi blogged about the news last night and Zoltan tweeted about the news.

So what can we say? Well why not logon and get leveling. Where will you level? Who will roll a hybrid monk? Who will get to WOC1 first? And who will be the first to PK Brammers and get his dogtag. (No chance there!)

Not got an account, go and create one and you can download the client from the THN here .

Also a note for the Rares DB users - to get your list on the Blue Pages , you need to goto Options -> Change Read Access Options. On that page check "Titan" and click save.

Server update news - Summary
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 19 September 2012

There has been quite a bit of news and changes about the Neocron servers over the last week due to the infrastructure changes, which has probably left most of us in a slight state of confusion. Mokoi has recently posted a blog and a post on the current situation.

So to help, here is what we know and understand about the current live servers.

Mars – Is running normally.

Terra – At the time, it is down due to a crash that has caused some data integrity issues. The Neocron 2 Support team are doing their best to bring it back online without any data loss to the game data. No ETA at this time.

Titan – This is a new server that is currently a test server, meaning there will be a wipe before it goes live. You can play on this server now however due to a small bug, it is showing as "Offline" If it does show as "Offline" just try and connect anyway. Also when Titan goes live, there won’t be a character transfer option, although there may be a possibility of a character transfer option in the future. (More here)

Un-scheduled downtime - 17/09/2012
Written by nEo1664   
Monday, 17 September 2012

Hi All!

As of approximately 8.30PM this evening Neocron once again has been plunged into darkness. The good news is that it does not appear to be the result of a DDoS attack, and maybe someone has unplugged the servers to hoover maybe.

GM_Zoltan over twitter said this:

 "Main Host is unreachable. Its not a part of the DDoS attack... It seems that someone unplugs the server or something -.-"

As always,  we hope that all services are resumed as soon as possible, and as soon as they are, we will update this post.

The work so far, with the talk of the new server Titan, so far has been a product of the voluntary Neocron Support Team, we thank them greatly for all their hard work so far and in the future. As always guys, we are here to help :)


Neocron Service Update 17th Sept 2012
Written by nEo1664   
Monday, 17 September 2012

This was posted today over on the NC forums from Trivaldi,


Below is some information regarding the Neocron Service. We hope to remove confusion by providing this concise run down of the situation.

Recent DDoS Attacks
A solution has been implemented to ease the stress caused by the attacks. There should be a noticeable improvement in game server availability over the next few days. Web based services should already see an improvement. For obvious reason we cannot give any details on this solution.

Terra [EN] & Mars [DE] Game Servers
Provided on Canadian hosting by Kirk Lenke, these servers remain as they were. Up time should improve but these servers remain available for players to utilise under the standard rules, with in game support provided (in English and German) by the Neocron Support Team. Lag spikes on these servers unfortunately cannot be resolved due to the nature of our hosting agreement.

Although considered “Legacy Servers” Terra and Mars will still receive future patch updates. Now changes to the infrastructure have been made, these servers will become Terra [NA] and Mars [NA], to reflect their physical location (North America).

Mercury [DE] Game Server
Mercury’s database was backed up and is securely stored. The server itself will not be returning.

*NEW* Titan [EU] Game Server
An entirely new 4 slot server provided by members of the Neocron Support Team. Better hardware in a more secure environment hosted in Europe. A fresh server enabling a fresh start for the game to improve the Neocron experience for everyone, thanks to improved hardware and hosting environment performance. Supported in full by the Neocron Support Team (in English and German) under the usual rules, receiving all future patch updates.

Titan [EU] will launch Soon™ and have a completely clean economy. At least initially only brand new 0/2 rank characters will be available, to anyone with a Neocron 2 Game Account.

Titan [EU] Character Transfer
At this time discussions are still going on internally as to our stance on character transfers to the new server. We hope to reach a decision as soon as possible; after investigating the technical feasibility of different tiers of character transfer. We will post another update once we have confirmed our stance on this. We can confirm however, that no character transfer will be available at the launch of Titan [EU].

In the meantime all players still have the choice of playing on the older servers.

We hope this makes the situation clearer.
Neocron Support Team

Join in the discussion over here: http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?145747-Service-Update-17th-Sept-2012

Scheduled Downtime for Neocron
Written by nEo1664   
Friday, 07 September 2012

Neocron has gone down for some scheduled maintenance at the moment, this annoucement on the Neocron forums gives some information to runners:

To allow us to perform some needed maintenance and updates across the entire Neocron server environment, all servers will be slowly taken offline starting at 11:30 GMT / 12:30 BST / 13:30 CET.

This down time will affect all of our first party services, including the game servers, launcher, website, IRC channel and these forums.

For up to date information during the downtime, please join us at
facebook or follow us on twitter

We apologise for the inconvenience caused and hope to be back online ASAP.

Your Neocron Support Team

They really do mean everything but so far other than for "needed maintenance" we do not know what is being completed. No doubt, more information will follow regarding this downtime, and as the annoucement states, join them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.

 The THN will be keeping a close eye on developments and let you know when everything is back up and running again. When we asked them earlier this was the response:

THN :: @OfficialNeocron Is there an estimated time for this scheduled down time? Or is it a case of it will be up when its up?

Neocron :: @TechHaven We'll let everyone know via Twitter and Facebook when we're back online. Current ETA is "When it's Done™" ;)

Keep tuned for more info!

UPDATE :: As of 3pm BST the Neocron servers across the board were reported as back online again. Still no word on the reason for the downtime, but we will keep trying to find out for you all! :: Just down for maintenance - @TechHaven Just good old fashioned maintenance :)

Neocron Testserver
Written by nEo1664   
Sunday, 26 August 2012

As per the source , a new Neocron test server has become available for testing on. Please read the thread, and the details below on how to connect to it.

Mokoi posted this today:

Hello everyone,

as of today, a new public testserver is available for you to help test ongoing developement of Neocron.
Please keep in mind that this is a testserver and no retail install. Your items, characters and basically everything on that server can be changed arround or deleted at any time.

Our #1 priority is to fix some of the long known issues and bugs. Please do not expect any big content updates in this phase of developement.

How can you access the testserver?

1) Create a copy of your retail client folder
2) Using the new copy, edit the "UPDATER.INI" in the subfolder "INI" and replace its contents with the following:



3) Launch the NeocronLauncher.exe and in the dropdown menu (top-right corner of the launcher), choose "Neocron Evolution Testserver"
4) Launch the game.

We hope you enjoy testing and look forward to your feedback and reports in the new testserver forum section that will soon be open.


We at the THN are looking forward to the progress this new testserver will have to offer for the Neocron community, and it looks like the many hours of hard work that have gone into Neocron over recently months/weeks are really starting to show now. Thank you.

Neocron 2 Account Management back online
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 22 August 2012

After a long wait, it is now possible to create new accounts to play Neocron.

New accounts are open to new players who don't have an existing Neocron 2 account.

If you had a Neocron 2 account in the past, you can download the client today and play for free. Need to reset your account password, you can now do that as well.

Be sure to check for any questions and issues in this thread on the official forums.

Finally the THN would like to say a big thanks to the Neocron Support Team for their hard work in getting the account management system online.

NC2 Mercury Server to close
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 13 August 2012

The 4 Slot German server Mercury is to close.

"The following information is not easy to deliver, however this action must be taken for the benefit of our ongoing restructuring to the Neocron Service.

The German 4 slot server "Mercury" will be permanently shut down on 25th August 2012. Please ensure you take screenshots of important information such as your character's skills (each section of the F5 window) and any important in game E-Mails. We also reccomend you take screenshots of anything you wish to keep a memory of from your time on Mercury.

The character data from Mercury will be securely backed up and stored once the server is taken offline. We will then provide a secure transfer for characters on the Mercury server. In order to prevent further damage to the economy of the desination server; the Inventory (including implants and armour), GoGuardian and Appartments of characters will not be transfered. Only the character itself and its related skills will be moved.

We appreciate this news may be hard to accept, but offer this partial transfer as a compromise securing your investment of time leveling your characters.

The announcement in English can be found here, and the German announcement can be found here.

The Rares DB does keep a list of parts for the Mercury players. Shortly after the server is closed, we will hide all the Mercury parts from view. If there are any issues please drop myself (Brammers) a PM on the THN forums.

Outpost turrets temporarily banned
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 13 August 2012

Due to an issue with turrets in-game, the Neocron 2 Support Team have temporarily banned the use of outpost turrets ingame.

There isn't much details on what the issue is, or when the isseue will be fixed. However there is an open thread on the official forums here where you can discuss the issue.


Chenoa - Nicole Montag
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 21 May 2012

It is with sadness that today that myself and THN has learnt that Nicole "Chenoa" Montag is sadly no longer with us after a long illness.

This announcement was just posted on the official forums by Kirk Lenke.

"Hi all,
I am sorry that I have to return with really sad news. News that have made us all pause for a minute or even longer.

With Danae's words:

"It is a very sad day for the Neocron family. Over the years, we have been blessed with the pleasure to work with the greatest people in the world. Nicole "Chenoa" Montag is one of those dear people. As some may know, Chenoa has been battling illness now for quite some time. It is with a heavy heart I post today that her body could take no more. Chenoa has gone far too soon to be with her maker. We pray and hope for those left behind; that they will find comfort in knowing her pain has ended and her legacy lives on in our hearts, our minds, and in our gaming community. Chenoa will never be forgotten.

Remember her kindly and warmly; All the good times we shared together in game, on chat, and even in person for those lucky enough to have met Chenoa. Our deepest condolences to all friends and family who survive her.

We all love you, Chen."

Thanks Nicole


Myself and the THN would like to express our condolences to her family and friends in these difficult times. We all remember her well for many of her events and all the support she has given to the Neocron community over the years.

Thank you Chenoa, and rest in peace.

Neocronicle - Submit Your Content
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 14 May 2012

The Neocronicle has been back for quite a few weeks now with news from around the world of Neocron.

Whether it's protests or rallies outside Tangent HQ, there is certianly something going on, and we have seen players contributing to the stories, such as Flib reporting on the crowds outside Tangent HQ, and Geist-[uTw]- publishing his own magazine, the DOY Reporter.

Now the Neocron Support team are inviting you to submit your own content, whether it's the weather, the latest news from Techhaven or maybe the canyon. It's upto you!

More information can be found in this thread.

Official IRC Neocron Channel Launches!
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 10 May 2012

The Neocron Support Team have just launched a IRC channel.

"We would like to invite you to join us in the new Official Neocron IRC Channel, where you can discuss the game and its community as well as a variety of other topics. Several members of the Neocron Support Team will be present in the channel to join in the discussion and to further break down the mystery of the team as well as the barrier between it and the community."

So if you want to have a chat about Neocron with other players and some of the support team, you can either use your own IRC client and connect to irc.neocron.info and channel #neocron, or you can use this trusty little web interface. (Requires Java to be enabled in your browser)

Neocron events - what sort of events do you want?
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 12 April 2012

If you haven't noticed, the Neocron Support Team have been quite busy lately, in bringing some excellent and fun events to Terra. The latest was the annual Easter Egg hunt with a bit of a twist - some of the eggs spawned extra surprises ranging from mutants to snakes!

Now the Neocron Support Team is asking for your input on what sort of events you want to see. You can vote in this poll in this thread, but make sure you also leave a comment.

Neocron now on social media
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 12 April 2012

Neocron has finally embraced the brave world of Social Media.

Have a look around Plaza 1 for some new NPC’s and talk to them. They will certainly tell you how much they like being followed and how much they like getting facebook likes!

So make sure you follow OfficialNeocron on Twitter and Like the Official Neocron Facebook page, and while you are at it, don’t forget to follow the Tech Haven Network on Twitter, and also like our Tech Haven Facebook page at the same time.

Update: 16th April 2012 And now Official Neocron is on Google+

Reakktor Media are no more
Written by CMaster   
Thursday, 29 March 2012

We already knew that Reakktor had been obliged to declare insolvency again. They've been running a "Save Reakktor" program on Facebook. Well, the time for that has apparently run out, as confirmed by this image and a post by (former?) Reakktor CEO Kirk Lenke on the forums:

 "Hi all,

today is indeed a sad day because we had to do what we must do.

Total Lockdown of REAKKTOR.

But it's not the end of "KK"

Will get with more info soon. Today I want to be sad...

I will make an official statement soon.



The THN's sypathies go out to those at Reakktor who lost their jobs. In the meantime, it looks like the only hope for the future of Neocron is Nukklear and Neocron Reloaded. What will become of Neocron 2, the Neocron website and forums remains to be seen.


Neocron servers now fully online
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 14 March 2012

After the recent hardware failure on the Neocron servers, and the move to a new data centre, it has been reported that all issues are now resolved.

The Neorcron servers where recently located in Germany (Rumoured to be Reakktor's Office, but we think it was Kirk Lenke basement!) They are now located on a VPS somewhere in Canada. This will effect ping times for players from Europe, but hopefully improve ping times for players based in the US.

Any thoughts and discussion on the server move, it's best to head here to this thread on the official forums.


Poll - how much would you give to fund Neocron Reloaded?
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Kirk Lenke is currently doing a small poll to see how much you would give to fund Neocron Reloaded using a funding platform like Kickstarter.

So please go and vote, and leave a comment in this thread on the official forums. Remember this poll is to guage interest at this time, rather than actually funding the game

Neocron Reloaded Announced
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 06 March 2012

Kirk Lenke CEO of Reakktor and also Nukklear made a surprise announcement about a new website containing details about Neocron Reloaded, which has got everyone here on the Tech Haven Network and in the Neocron community very excited.

Neocron Reloaded plans to take all the current models, maps and items from Neocron and rebuild it using the Unity gaming engine .  It also plans to take the best parts of Neocron 1 and 2 .

There has been some early success that it even runs very well within Unity’s web plugin. You can see scenes from Plaza 1 in Nukklear's promotion video . (Or here in the THN’s YouTube channel)

There is quite a large discussion thread on Neocron Reloaded with Questions and Answers from Kirk here.

Dear KK (Kirk); The story so far
Written by Brammers   
Friday, 07 October 2011

It's a been a few weeks since Kirk Lenke responded to the community on the subject of Neocron 2. So here is what's been happening on the Dear KK (Kirk) thread.

So hear is a brief summary on the whole story so far.

Loki on the 16th August 2011 opened the thread with this open letter. Many members of the community posted in that thread expressing their opinion and anger towards Reakktor. Danae was one of the first people from Reakktor to respond. She also posted up a very useful new thread on Neocron Account Issues and also Forum Account Issues .

Then on the 29th August 2011 Kirk Lenke made his first response to the thread, and he acknowledged some of the issues that is affecting Neocron 2.

On the 2nd of September Loki and Kirk Lenke had a telephone call, discussing the issues of Neocron 2, and Loki did release most of the details of that call to the community. Kirk Lenke did also clarify a issue on the developers working on Neocron. It turns out, that the devs are currently contracted to work on Black Prophecy and any time they spend on Neocron 2 has to be done in their own time .

As the thread had got quite long, he asked for a little helping in collating the questions together to make life a little easier for him. (And also everyone else!) The questions on the thread for Kirk was collated into one post. This was on the 8th September 2011 and he was expecting to give some answers by around the 15th September.

The thread went a little quiet, and Kirk wasn't able to respond due to be away in the USA on a business trip.

Kirk now appears to be back home, and he did post a short message to say on the 4th October "I do still have the answers in my agenda. BUT.... It will take some time - sorry."

So to sum up, Kirk is working on the great list of questions that everyone has asked. What isn't clarified is how long the answers will be. Personally I hope no longer than a week, however as soon as Kirk posts any news up, myself and everyone at the THN will pass on the news as quickly as possible.

Update: 16:15 Krik Lenke posted another update. No answers to the questions, but he does slightly outline how he plans to address the issues with Neocron.

"I can also understand that some may be dissapointed.
But I haven't forgotten it and I will try to answer it as soon as I have the time to answer it in a proper way with honest estimates and honest answers.

It would help nobody I guess, if I rush through it and promise a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow and then you find a burning oil drum. But this may is a bad example as well, cause some like them...

Take care and I will return as soon as I can"

We look forward to honest answers and estimates to the questions that everyone is asking about Neocron 2.

Dear KK (Kirk); Update No 2.
Written by Brammers   
Friday, 02 September 2011

Another post update, not from ReaKKtor, but community member LOKI , who has this week been making efforts to get some answers on the state of Neocron.

It doesn't answer all the questions that the community has been asking, however Kirk is planning to repond to the thread next week.

Here is what LOKI posted to the forums.

"I just got off the phone after a 20 minute conversation with Kirk Lenke. On reading my post, and a couple of the PM's I have sent him over the months, he asked for a contact number to call me on.

In the 20 minutes we had on the phone, we discussed a lot about Neocron, its current state and its future. Kirk went into a lot of detail about certain things that I'm not sure I can discuss here, so I'll share with you the basics of what he specifically said I could talk about.

Pretty much the first point that came up was IP (Intellectual Property). I don't think I am over-stepping the line in saying this, as I'm pretty sure this is information that could be obtained from various Google searches/phone calls. Neocron is the IP of ReaKKtor Media, and Black Prophecy is the IP of Gamigo. So... what does that mean?

Essentially, it means that the team at KK are paid to work on BP, and only BP. They are not paid to work on Neocron. As such, the (failed) 174 patch of over a year ago was worked on by their developers in their FREE TIME. This is a big deal, and is something I wasn't entirely aware of prior to our phone call. This isn't the only issue though.

Kirk also confirmed what we already knew. The code is old, haggered and an utter nightmare to work with.

On a plus note, however, work is currently underway on re-developing the anti-cheat patch which failed many months ago; again, in their free time. Kirk did give me a rough ETA, but I can't share that. If he feels it's a date they can stick to, then I'm sure he will share it when he responds to this thread.

Kirk seemed like a nice bloke, and it seems I may have misjudged him based only on his lack of presence on this forum. It was clear to me on that phone call that Kirk is genuine when he says he cares about Neocron, and is proud of what the game achieved many years ahead of its time. I believe him when he says he is working on kick starting the development of Neocron 3, but for the reasons outlined above, there's a lot more to it than just taking 'some' of the team off Black Prophecy. Sadly, it's never going to be that simple.

Kirk was honest with me about everything I asked. Nothing was ignored or brushed away. Again, I wish I could share the entirety of our conversation, but some of what Kirk said is better left for him to share himself.

He said he'd take the time to read and reply to this at some point next week, and he's aware the timer is still ticking ;)"

Dear KK - Kirk Lenke responds
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 29 August 2011

Well after the threads on the Neocron Forums and the Black Prophecy Forums about the lack of communication and news on Neocron, we are pleased to report Kirk Lenke has replied in at least 2 different threads on the Neocron forums.

Here is main reply


I will go through this thread within the next days and answer some of your questions and get back to you into a proper discussion!

All the best and thanks for caring about the game you seem to love (still)


Although, nothing on patches or anything related to the game, it's the first official response we have seen in a long time from anyone in KK and is a good start in the right direction to hopefully addressing the issues of Neocron in the next few days.

We at the THN and the Neocron Community will be watching the Neocron forums quite closely over the next few days.

Dear KK (Kirk); please, please do something.
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 25 August 2011

There isn't alway much news about Neocron, but a thread on the official forums has caught our attention.

LOKI who has been a long player of Neocron for a long time has posted a thread on the offiical forums to express his disappointment on the lack of updates and communication to the community .

It's a view that the THN shares, whether we are an official fansite or not. The lack of any communications from ReaKKtor cannot continue like this. If ReaKKtor do decide to post any news, we shall let you know.

Gamigo buys a stake in Reakktor
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 27 January 2011

We don't normally post news from Black Prophecy, but this press release from Gamigo has caught our attention.

The short version is Gamigo have brought a 19.9% stake in Reakktor.

The longer version is in the press release below, which you can discuss on the Official Neocron Forums. It isn't clear what, if any, what effect it will have on Neocron.

"Hamburg, January 27, 2011 – gamigo, one of the leading publishers of free-to-play online computer games in Europe and North America, is increasing its stake in the space action MMOG "Black Prophecy". Today gamigo announced that they have acquired all trademarks and copyrights associated with "Black Prophecy" as well as a 19.9% stake in the developer studio Reakktor Media GmbH from AAA Capital Game Production and Sales GmbH & Co. Fonds Nr. 2 KG. The remaining shares to Reakktor Media GmbH are held by its CEO, Kirk Lenke.

Patrick Streppel, Executive Board Member at gamigo, said this: "Investing in "Black Prophecy" and Reakktor Media GmbH is a forward-looking step for gamigo. "Black Prophecy" is the biggest project our company has worked on so far and is also an example of the high quality of games produced in Germany, completely unique in its market segment."

Rainer Markussen, Executive Board Member at gamigo, said this: "With the completion of closed beta testing and the award for "Best of gamescom (free to play)" last year, I'm really looking forward to seeing "Black Prophecy" go live in the very near future. With that step, gamigo will be cementing its position as one of the leading publishers and producers of premium online games that are marketed and licensed around the globe."

"Working even more closely together will give us more opportunity to trade know-how and will allow us to drive expansions of "Black Prophecy" and new high-quality games forward together," said Kirk Lenke, CEO of Reakktor Media."
neocron.com not available (Back online)
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 24 January 2011

Currently neocron.com and forum.neocron.com are not available, due to the domain name expiring, which probably means someone at Reakktor forgot to pay for the annual renewal of the domain!

No ETA for when it will be back, and I don’t know at this time if this effects the game servers. In the mean time, if you want to talk about Neocron, feel free to use the THN forums.

Update, 13:52 GMT:

The game servers appear to be online.

Update: 15:32 GMT:

Looks like the domain is back. In some cases, depending on your ISP, it may take anything from a few hours to a few days before you can connect to the websites again.

THN Server Downtime
Written by THN CPU   
Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Over the next 2 weeks there is 2 major pieces work being carried out on the Tech Haven Network that will require the website to be taken off-line. This is due to the Tech Haven Network being moved to new server hardware.

The 1st downtime period will start at 15:00 GMT on Satrday 13th November 2010 and is expected to last about 3 hours. The website will be reconfigured and updated in preparation for the 2nd downtime period. Completed on 13 Nov 2010 @ 16:00GMT

The 2nd downtime period is expected to start from 07:00 GMT on Wednesday 17th November 2010 and is expected to end by 21:00 GMT on Friday 19th November. Completed on 19 Nov 2010 @ 13:30GMT

The reason for the long downtime, is to allow for backups to be fully completed and checked, the new server swapped in and configured and to allow time to address any other issues arising from the server move. It is hope the Tech Haven Network will be back earlier than planned, but this is not guaranteed.

During the downtime you can get updates on the downtime on Twitter.

Update: All back online, there is an issue with the blue pages not working. This will be fixed later.

New RPOS mods for Neocron
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 29 July 2010

Michael Corvin who has done some excellent fan graphics for Black Prophecy, hasn't forgotten about the Neocron community.

He has been busy doing, not one, but three new RPOS designs for Neocron. You can preview them at these 3 URL's.

Phoenix Mod - PHX http://phx.neocron3.com
Sky-Net Interface - SNI - http://sni.neocron3.com
Enhanced Core Ssystem - ECS - http://ecs.neocron3.com

Or you can view the 3 mods with each part of the RPOS on this excellent portal site. To switch between each HUD type, use the switch in the top left corner and click on the buttons in the middle to view each part of the HUD, and of course follow the instructions to install and download them.

Finally, don't forget to comment on the HUDS on the official forums in this English thread, or the German thead.



Servers back online
Written by Brammers   
Friday, 09 April 2010

After the server downtime for a major hardware upgrade, that overran by about 12 days, the Neocron servers are back!

However if you use Mars, please note this important piece of information .

"Mars is currently online as a four character slot server, for the time being please do not use these additional slots while we obtain an official confirmation that the server won’t be returning to a one slot server. Should the server be reduced back to one slot no compensation will be given for characters made after the downtime and then lost from these new slots."

What I gather from the forum posts by various KK people is the Neocron servers are running on brand new hardware. I wouldn't be suprised if the old NC servers have been virtualised.

It's also suspected the new hardware will also be used for the Black Prophecy servers .

Neocron - Back From The Brink!
Written by Tratos   
Saturday, 07 November 2009

Yet more Neocron related news?

Too Right.

Following on from the general statement of operations given to the Black Prophecy community yesterday, some more news has arrived relating to Neocron.

Kirk, ReaKKtor CEO, has once again personally dropped by the Neocron Community Forums, with some fantastic news. Now that KK are operating under their own steam again, this has granted them more freedom in their development choices - meaning none other than a Neocron Patch.

Patch 169 is finally on the cards.

A particularly exciting ectracts reads as follows:

"To enable a long-term future for Neocron, but also to lay foundation for a possible Neocron 3, we consider these measures as necessary. We assume to be able to provide the reactivation of the payment options and the deployment of said patches within the next three months."

I'm sure you will agree this is utterly fantastic news and personally this has me grinning like an idiot. Hit up this link  to read Kirk's full community address.

Reakktor Media GmbH 'Fully Operational'
Written by Tratos   
Thursday, 05 November 2009
Yesterday we broke the news of a report on several German gaming websites declaring the end of ReaKKtor's insolvency crisis. This information has been officially confirmed today in the new issue of the Stella Vox Community Bulletin by Community Manager, Chris 'Snowcrash' Schuett.

"Some weeks have gone by since the last Stellarvox Community Bulletin and it is time again to provide you with some fresh information about Black Prophecy.

This time we have quite pleasant news for you. The responsible District Court in Hannover has abrogated the current insolvency proceeding of Reakktor Media GmbH’s assets. This means that we are finally out of the insolvency and again fully operational. With this huge obstacle out of the way, we are now in a far better situation for the negotiations with potential publishers. Having the insolvency sitting in our neck made things far more difficult and we are convinced that we’ll be able to provide you with more good news within the next weeks."

I'm sure you will all agree this is fantastic news, it's been a rough 16 Months for ReaKKtor and everyone here at the Tech Have Network is thrilled to finally hear that the developer behind our favourite MMORPG is back on track.

Congratulations ReaKKtor!
Reakktor no longer in Administration
Written by CMaster   
Wednesday, 04 November 2009
Those who've been following this for a long while may remember that Reakktor's previous ownder, 10Tacle Studios AG declared insolvency. KK quickly explained that they hoped to survivie this while all the other stuios owned by 10Tacle were closed down. Today, several german gaming sites are reporting having recieved a press release from Reakktor stating that the insolvency is offically over. You can read some (very good) google translations here and here. They also state that Black Prophecy will be released in 2010 - a 2009 release having been looking less and less likley as the months go on of course. We'll be poking Reakktor for more information tomorrow. One has to wonder if this means free Neocron will be coming to an end any time soon.
Playing Neocron 2 for free
Written by The THN team   
Wednesday, 09 September 2009

The THN admin team recentnly did a mass email on how to play Neocron for free. For those who do not have a THN account, here is a copy of the email sent. Click on read more to find out more.

Akira Sun meets Neocron
Written by MC Brammers   
Wednesday, 11 February 2009

This just in from Snowcrash on the official forums about a German DJ and producer called Akira Sun, who is using sound samples from the game.

"Rapidly launching into 2009 with his brand new single "Neocron", the German DJ and producer Akira Sun presents his next dance floor hit in cooperation with Reakktor Media.

Inspired by the Massively Multiplayer Roleplay Game "Neocron" by the Hannoverian game developer Reakktor Media, Akira Sun merges familiar Electro Beats and aggressive Synths with a good portion of Dark Future Cyberpunk.

In addition to the original version by Akira Sun, Liquid Cosmo, Mellow Reflector and André F. are contributing several phat remixes.

Learn more about Akira Sun on the official web site or on his MySpace profile!"

Make sure you check out the samples on the MySpace page link, and talk about it here on the forums.

Clarification regarding the current payment provider issues
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 09 October 2008

Snowcrash just posted this little post to clarify the current payment provider issues.

"In course of the issues we are encountering due to the insolvency, we have explained that all Neocron 2 accounts have been enabled for free play. This explanation has obviously led to some confusion which we would like to clarify.

Currently it is not possible to renew or create accounts by using PayPal as payment provider. This is related to issues at Paypal that are beyond our sphere of influence. To compensate this, we have decided to put game points on all accounts to allow players, who are using PayPal, to continue playing until the issues have been fixed. All other accounts using PaybyCash and Click2Pay are being billed as normal with 5 Euro per month subscription fee.

Under the current circumstances we see no other option to address these issues as we do not want to lock out players using PayPal as payment method. In order to compensate our customers who are using different payment methods but still pay for some of their accounts, we have enabled the previous mentioned game points to reactivate all expired accounts. This means that you can access any of your additional accounts that are currently expired regardless what kind of payment method you use without getting charged until further notice. Accounts that are in the regular payment cycle are getting billed as usual.

As we have already explained, Reakktor will continue its business but there are still issues to address which make things a bit more complicating. We can only ask you for your understanding and would like to thank those who are standing loyally at our side during this difficult times.

Feel free to discuss this in this official forum thread.

Neocron FREE for the time being.
Written by CMaster   
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Snowcrash made a suprise announcement today. Apparently in response to the involuntary cancellations of many accounts, it has been declared that Neocron will be free for all existing accounts. Whether this in any way relates to the insolvency issues is at the moment is unclear, as is the duration of this free-to-play period. Enjoy while it lasts however.
Reakktor's operations unaffected by 10Tacle insolvency
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Kirk Lenke the CEO of Reakktor has just posted the following good news about Reakktor's operations in the light of 10T being insolvent.

"With regards to the announcement of 10Tacle Studios AG business activity's discontinuation, Reakktor Media, subsidiary of 10Tacle Studios AG, declares that this does not affect the business activity of Reakktor Media GmbH, despite the insolvency, especially with regards to the operation of the MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) "Neocron 2" and the development of the MMO (Massively Online Game) "Black Prophecy"."
Reakktor's Announces Insolvency and Patch News
Written by CMaster   
Friday, 08 August 2008
As reported yesterday on the THN, 10Tacle Studios AG, parent company of Reakktor has declared insolvency. The new CEO of Reakktor, Kirk Lenke has today annnounced to the neocron community  that for legal reasons, ReaKKtor Media GmbH is also insolvent and an administrator will be appointed shortly. He believes there is hope for the future of the company, although does not speculate on whether that is with or without 10Tacle. He also makes the suprise statement that a new Neocron patch is beind developed - we just have to hope that the administrators don't lay off all the staff before this hits the servers. Neocron servers will for the immediate future be unaffeceted, however support will apparently be at a reduced level. You can read the full announcement on the offical forums , or click read more here.
10Tacle Declares Insolvency
Written by CMaster   
Thursday, 07 August 2008

10Tacle Studios AG, who wholly own ReaKKtor Media GmbH (the makers of Neocron) are being reported by various websites as having declared insolvency. It should be made clear that this does not necessarily mean the end of Neocron or Black Prophecy - Reakktor may in fact pass completely unscathed.

English gaming sites and German financial press are reporting that 10Tacle Studios AG, the German company that is the sole of owner of ReaKKtor Media GmbH, developers of Neocron has officially declared a state of insolvency (read more about this in english and badly translated german ). SnowCrash from KK has promised an offical statement about the sitation tomorrow in a posting on the German forums (again, bad translation here).

The fate of the 10Tacle subsidiaries appears to be mixed. Stormregion has apparenly been disbanded since completing their game, while 10Tacle Belgium has apparenty recentley met a similar fate. Meanwhile, Blimey!, a developer purchased by 10T and having had past success have stated every confidence that they will continue operating and releasing games.

Sources close to Reakktor are emphasising that Neocron servers will remain up for the forseeable future. It is quite possible wih the seeming strong progress of Black Prophecy and the apparent still revenue-generating Neocron that Reakktor will continue operating, especially as 10T can still hope for support from it's investors similar to the deal that recentley fell through , and KK may remain a saleable assett. This article details the directions and situation of 10Tacle quite well, alhough the deal referred to has now fallen through.


Neocron server migration - Completed!
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 10 July 2008
The servers are now back online after the migration to a new datacenter. You may experience some connection issue while the DNS records update around the internet. If you do, please check this thread .
Servers offline for migration - Completed!
Written by The THN Admin   
Monday, 30 June 2008

The Neocron 2 servers are now offline for the planned migration of the hardware to the new datacentre. This process is expected to take several days, and is expected to be back by the 7th July.

The THN will be keeping everyone updated with the news here, but for discussion about the migration, please use this thread.

The Story so far...

29th June 23:00BST, 30th June Midnight CEST. - The login server was taken offline. Anyone who was ingame could remain ingame, but if you logged out, you would not be able to log in. The population slowly got smaller, and there was a little party in Plaza 1 .

Here is what Snowcrash posted about the first planned step for the migration.

"As already announced, the Neocron server hardware will be moved to another data center. For this purpose, the main account server will be shut down today at midnight (CEST). From then on it is no longer possible to log into the game and to administrate game accounts. The game servers will be shut down tomorrow morning at 09:00 AM CEST. Until then it is possible to play Neocron if one has logged into the game before the shutdown of the main account server.

We will of course keep you in the loop about the migration progress and will announce further details regarding the planned lowering of the Neocron subscription fees within the next days."

30th June 08:27BST  Snowcrash updated the thread with the lastest news "All servers have been shut down and are now being dismantled by the admin team of our data center provider. After the dismantling the hardware will be made ready for dispatch and transported to the new data center."

4th July 09:45BST Nidhogg posted this update. "The Neocron server hardware has arrived in the new data center yesterday evening after some delay. Pending an intensive examination the hardware will be rebuilt and taken back into operation. Due to the circumstances of the transportation delay it may take a little longer than expected to bring the servers back online."

7th July 10:54 BST No further updates have been posted since the 4th July update.

7th July 12:22 BST Snowcrash has just posted this update. "The intensive examination of the hardware has just been finished and the rebuild of the hardware, as well as the adjustment of the software, is currently in progress. As already explained the shipment of the servers has taken longer then expected which is the reason for this delay.

We will inform you as soon as we have more information and ask for a little more patience."

 9th July 10:45BST  Server is now back up - Mission Completed! Now every back to PvPing and OP fighting!

Future Neocron Downtime and Price Plan changes
Written by Delphi   
Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Snowcrash has reported that there will be a migration of the server hardware containing the neocron 2 cluster to a new datacenter location between the 30th of June and the 7th of July. Obviously during this time there will not be any possible way to connect to the neocron servers.

In more positive news the price plan for Neocron 2 will change from the current amount of 9.99 € per month to a new low price of 5.00 €. More details will be vailable when the servers are migrating. 

Paypal payments available again
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 16 June 2008
After several weeks of issues and problems with PayPal, where players where not able to cancel or create a new account, PayPal have finally found and fixed the problem.

All the information can be found in this forum thread , while in the meantime the THN Admin will be deciding what to do with the stockpile of Baseball Bat  . (Suggestions welcome!)
THN Neocron Community News
Written by Tech Haven Network   
Thursday, 24 April 2008

Here is the 1st THN Neocron Community update with news on some of the Neocron community projects that are taking place out there. Click on read more!

News on Neocron expected soon?
Written by Brammers   
Friday, 18 April 2008

After about 4 months of hardly any news on Neocron this little post appeared in this thread on the forums from Snowcrash.

"I sense that there will be some exciting news within the next weeks. Unfortunately the vision is quite obscur so I can't give any further details.

And no! I can't tell you the upcoming lottery numbers!"

Lets hope we hear some news soon, whether it's on the official forums or maybe in the forthcoming Community News report, which the THN hopes to bring a central news update from all the major community project going on out there, and hopefully with news from KK on Neocron and Black Prophecy.  

Terra (was) Down
Written by StevenJ   
Sunday, 13 April 2008

Terra went down at around 12:30pm Sunday 13th April. This was due to a hardware failure, the offending component has been replaced, and everything is working fine once more.

Free play time comes to an end
Written by Brammers   
Friday, 11 January 2008

The 4 week free time peroid for Neocron 2, patch 167/168 has come to an end, to what has been considered a very successful patch, and hopefully we will see more patches in the near future.

At the beginning, of the free time, the THN sent out a email to all the users to inform users of the patch and free time. We would like to thank everyone who took the time to gives us feedback on the email, which was very positive. In the future we will send an email about any free time, however we do recognise that users will not want to receive emails. Options to control email will be added in the future to overcome this issue.

In the mean time - head over to the launcher page and re-activate! If you got any account issues send KK an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it  

Terra Appartment Rollback
Written by CMaster   
Monday, 17 December 2007
The appartment issues that appeared on satuday afternoon have been dealt with today. After an inital attempt at fixing failed , Reakktor have resolved to perform an appartment table rollback to the backup made on the 14th December (before problems manifested).
30 Days Free Game Time
Written by CMaster   
Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Reakktor really seem keen to revive Neocron 2. As well as the gametime competetion for North American players, they have now announced that as with the time following each Neocron evolution, all inactive accounts will be reactivated for 30 days between 12/12/2007 and 9/01/2008. Wish your freinds a Merry Christmas and invite them to party in the snow on Terra!

 Oh, and the Neocronicle  and Voice of the Resistance are full of tales of what is going on as well.

Don't forget to tell any returning friends to check the THN for a nice detailing of what the hell the deal is with 2.2 

Neocron 2.3 content patch delayed
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 05 September 2007

Snowcrash has announced that the planned patch to change the factions back to the old NC1 relations has been delayed until November.

What was also revealed is the events team would be bringing a new storyline to the game.

You can discuss the news in this thread

Neocron 2.3 Plans let slip
Written by CMaster   
Saturday, 25 August 2007

In a forum post today, Nidhogg stated that "Oh, and NC Evolution 2.3 is still scheduled for an Autumn release, not too far now."

Exactly what this next evolution comprises of is unknown, considering that the balancing promised by Evolution 2.2 has not yet been acheived, the faction restructuring was specifcally stated to not be "spectacular enough to call them Neocron 2.3", by CEO Holger Nathrath and as Snowcrash has said that "As we did it with Evolution 2.2 we will ask the community about what they like to see with Evolution 2.3. This means that we will offer several suggestions taken from the community discussions and then decide on what will be included with Evolution 2.3 on base of your feedback." which is a step that appears not to have happened yet.

More on this as it develops - although most likley is that the decisionw as made that faction revamp does merit being called 2.3

Update @ 1:00 26/08/2007 - Odin has found this article where Holger mentions the existence of a Neocron 2.3 So anybody who went to the convetion fancy filling us in on what he had to say? 

Neocron's 5th Birthday
Written by Brammers   
Friday, 17 August 2007

On 6th September 2002, Neocron went retail... thats nearly 5 years ago! Of course that was Neocron 1, and everyone is now playing Neocron 2.2.

So Chenoa and the Neocron event team are arranging a 5th Anniversary Jubilee event, details of which can be found in this thread on the official forums! Get your entries in quick!


Paypal problems
Written by CMaster   
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Various people are reporting their accounts paid for by paypal being terminated as they come up for renewal, with a message about the seller being unable to accept payment, The cause of this problem is unknown, but Nidhogg insists that it is "being looked into". However as this problem involves not only Reakktor but likley also banks, it can be expected that any resolution will have to wait until a weekday.
Updated: Terra Rollback
Written by CMaster   
Monday, 09 July 2007

Today, various people were reporting probelms with items and logging in on Terra, following this morning's maintenence. As a result of this, Terra is now down while the problems are being examined. Is another rollback for Terra on the cards? (presumably if there is, it will be to this morning's backup). We should see by later today.

Read the offical announcement. 

Update at 16:12 (GMT): Terra has been rolled back to its state as of yesterday evening (19:00 08/07/2007 (CET)) . There is an offical announcement available to read.

Dynamic Run Competition
Written by Delphi   
Thursday, 05 July 2007

Chenoa has announced a new competition to design and get implimented in the neocron world, dynamic runs!:

As requested a different type of contest for dynamic runs:

The contest will run as follows:

Send us your ideas, your mini stories, your run and we will see what we can do with it, and may be we will bring it online possibly in the new dynamic zones!
It could be tricky riddles, funny short stories, paper chase, anything you can think about. But within "normal" limits and no big quests or missions and without prizes.
The runs will be coded on NPCs. If there is enough time a GM will get together with one or more runners to work out the run. Therefore it would be advantageous if you could create the dialogues immediately (NPC - Runner - NPC - Runner).

End of Neocron 1 character transfers
Written by CMaster   
Monday, 02 July 2007
Snowcrash today announced that within the next few weeks, the ability to tranfer Neocron 1 characters to Neocron 2 servers will be terminated. Anybody wishing to take advantage of the service while it still exists should email This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it . Read the offical announcement.
Soullight changes in next patch
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Snowcrash has posted news of changes coming to the next retail patch. There is no news when the patch will be out. (Next 2-3 days would be my guess) Here is a copy of what he posted.

"With the next retail patch the Soullight system will be adjusted to prevent possible abuse of this system. After the patch it will no longer be possible to increase the own Soullight by killing NPCs or other runners. With this measure, the inhibition threshold to eliminate other runners to ruin their enjoyment of the game should be raised. It will still be possible to increase the own Soullight respectively bring it back to the original state by absolving missions and by the auto regeneration feature.

The increase of own Soullight will be much harder due to these adjustments, so you should watch out to not decrease your Soullight with careless actions respectively increase it with the given possibilities until the patch is released."

A disccussion thread on the changes can be found here. (Link updated: 20-Jun-2007 11:06BST!)

KK Community announcement
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 30 May 2007

It's been a while since we heard from Holger Nathrath the CEO of ReaKKtor. Today he posted a community announcement for as whats in store for Neocron. It's not quite Neocron Evo 2.3, but a considerable change to the Neocron 2 world. The Factions are being changed.

Click on Read More to read a copy of the annoucement, and please discuss the changes on the official forums in this thread.

Important annoucement expected this week from KK
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 30 May 2007

It has been noticed recently by not only us at the THN, but by quite a few of the community members that ReaKKtor have been a little quiet lately, until this little snippet of information appeared on the forums from Nidhogg.

"With any luck there will be an important announcement later this week..."

As to what the annoucement is about, is open purely to speculation at this point in time. We will keep you posted.

Patch next week?
Written by CMaster   
Friday, 13 April 2007
Suggestions of a patch "early next week" have surfaced from Reakktor employee "Carnage".
Servers down (Now back up)
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 10 April 2007

At about 22:00BST 10 April 2007, the Neocron servers could not be reach due to connection issues.

SnowCrash has put this annoucment up forums. "We are currently experiencing connection issues at the Level 3 data center in Hamburg. The Level 3 support team is already investigating and is trying to fix these issues as quickly as possible. We are currently not able to give you an estimate time when the servers will be available again."
Update: 09:36BST 11 April 2007 - No update or ETA from ReaKKtor on the current connection issues. As soon as we have some news, we will pass it on.
Update: 10:59BST 11 April 2007 - SnowCrash updated the annoucement on the official forums "The connection issues with the Neocron Servers are still present because of ongoing technical problems in the data center itself. The data center support team is still working on these issues and we will provide you with more information as soon as possible."
Update: 14:16BST 11 April 2007 - Servers back up!
Interview on eGames.de
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 03 April 2007

There is an interview with Dirk "John Doe" Wilhelmy and Christian 'SnowCrash' Schuett on eGame.de - The interview is in German, but yuuki was kind enough to translate and post the interview on the forums for the English readers.

The Original German version can be found here, and the translated version is in this thread.

Neocron Evolution 2.2 Developer Chat on Xfire
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 29 March 2007

Xfire is offering the chance to win a slot to participate in a chat with the developers of Neocron 2.2. The chat will be held on April 3rd, 2007 at 09:00 PM CEST.  

During the chat it will be possible to win some free playtime!

1st. 6 months free playtime.
2nd. 3 months free playtime.
3rd. 1 months free playtime.

To enter the lottery for the chat, you need to have Xfire installed, and a valid Xfire username. To enter, goto this page and register for the chat. You can also talk about the dev chat in this little thread.

Paypal now available!
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 19 February 2007

You can now pay to play Neocron 2 with Paypal which is now the recommended payment method.

More details about Paypal can be found in this thread, including important information on how to switch from Click2Pray to Paypal.

So what you all waiting for? Reactivate your account, create a new account! See you all ingame!

Paypal for Neocron this month!
Written by CMaster   
Friday, 09 February 2007

In what is quite frankly a shock announcement, Snowcrash has today revealed that by the end of next week (16th February 2007), paypal should be availble as a payment method for Neocron. Previous annoucements had stated that new payment methods would not be available "until 2.2", and had hinted quite heavily at WorldPay being the new provider.

We are still awaiting details, however it would seem likely that Paypal will work out somewhat more expensive for players than Click2Pay does, considering paypal fees and the likley good deal offered to KK by C2P for being part of the same business group. Read the offical announcement right here.

Update: We have been asked by ReaKKtor to point out that the PayPal payment option will be only available to people with Credit cards.

Neocron 2 up for Reader's Choice Award on MMOsite.com
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 09 January 2007

MMOsite.com has just started their annual Reader's Choice Award and Neocron 2 has been nominated for:-

- Favourite Game
- Best Graphics
- Best PvP
- Best Gameplay
- Best Storyline

Learn more about this event right here and support Neocron 2 by voting now!

Neocron Image Board set up
Written by CMaster   
Sunday, 03 December 2006

Ever just wanted to throw NC screenies around, or talk idle chat about the events on the server today?  Stuff that would get considered spam probably on the offical forums (or perhaps you are already banned?). Got a stack of screenies but don't want to upload them all to some host, but just dump somewhere somebody appreciates. Well, there is now a Neocron themed anonymous imageboard, over at anonib. Drop in and post some stuff. And try and be nice :P

mmorpg.com Annual Competition
Written by Pepsi   
Tuesday, 21 November 2006
mmorpg.com have launched their annual competition to find the best game of 2006 in various categories.
Neocronicle and VotR Publish Medal Lists
Written by CMaster   
Tuesday, 14 November 2006
The Neocron newspapers are now publishing lists of runners who have performed great services for their factions and have been rewarded...
NC-wiki now Live!
Written by Delphi   
Friday, 10 November 2006

www.nc-wiki.com is the new English wiki site for Neocron has gone live this evening for the Neocron Community - help is now needed to make sure that the site grows and get all the articles on there upto date.

Thanks to: Brammers for hosting the site for www.nc-wiki.com , Solid-Rock from the official forums for helping me set up the framework for the site, and to you the community for hopefully using and adding to this great resource!

Exclusive MMOsite.com and ReaKKtor Competition
Written by Delphi   
Tuesday, 07 November 2006

MMOsite.com and ReaKKtor have teamed up to offer an exclusive competition for all member of MMOsite.com. If you sign up for MMOsite.com between now and the 22nd of November then you will be entered into a prize draw for the following prizes:

  •  1st Prize : 3 Months Paid Neocron account and an Exclusive Ingame Surprise
  •  2nd Prize : 2 Months Paid Neocron account and an Exclusive Ingame Surprise
  •  3rd Prize : 1 Months Paid Neocron account and an Exclusive Ingame Surprise

General Rules:

1. Contest will begin Nov 8th.2006.
2. The deadline of the contest will be Nov. 22nd,11:59PM (GMT),2006.
3. Winners will be announced on Nov. 24th,2006.
4. Only MMOsite members are eligible to the contest.
5. Employees of MMOsite and Reakktor are ineligible to enter/win.

Click Here to Join MMOsite.com

THN Interview with Snowcrash in French
Written by CMaster   
Monday, 06 November 2006

The website Jeuxonline now has a summary of what they see as key points from the THN interview with KK representative Snowcrash in french. This is availible here.

Vous pouvez lire l'interview de Christian "Snowcrash" Schuett en francais sur jeuxonline. Cliquez ici.

(Merci Philchow pour assister avec le francais)


Killing NPCs to gain soulight is against the RoC: KK
Written by CMaster   
Monday, 30 October 2006

Snowcrash has today announced that repeated killing of enemy NPC to gain soulight is "clearly against the rules of conduct" in this annoucement.

This effectively means that any player now killing enemy NPCs is at risk of disciplinary action if observed by a GM, or reported through the exploit reporting system. (Send a screenshot to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it if you observe any players in violation of the rules).

Several KK officials have now alluded to the existence of "special missions" for raising soulight, although what form these missions take is not yet clear - we'll let you know anything more we find out about these missions. For all those concerned about soulight however, normal citycom missions will raise both Soul Light and sympathy with the faction offering the mission.

Updated: It has been confirmed the "Special missions" in Techhaven give both Soullight and Faction Sympathy - see this thread 11th post down and the section about the special mission in our epics section.

NC2 Custom RPOS Contest
Written by CMaster   
Wednesday, 25 October 2006
Following on from this announcement , Reakktor have announced that they are running a competeiton for user-made custom RPOSs, with free gametime going to the winners of the contest. Ratings of the RPOS will aparently be made by the Neocron community. The deadline for this contest is the 31st Novemember 2006. Read the full announcement here.
New Policy: Legal R.P.O.S. Modifications
Written by Tratos   
Thursday, 19 October 2006

Christian 'SnowCrash' Schuett today has announced that modification of the Neocron 2 R.P.O.S. is now legal again under a new set of guidelines and rules.

The announcement can be found here and the new forum subsection with information about Neocron 2 R.P.O.S. modification can be found here

Short Interview at MMOsite.com
Written by Tratos   
Saturday, 14 October 2006

In the last few days Christian 'SnowCrash' Schuett (Community Manager & Lead Gamemaster at Reakktor) seems to have been very busy as early this morning he has released another announcement regarding a new short interview at MMOsite.com.

As a side note a few days ago Snowcrash also gave news of his progression with XFire's CEO on Neocron 2 being supported by XFire in this thread, you can be sure the THN will bring you news on this as more information becomes available.

New Neocron 2 Mini-site
Written by Tratos   
Friday, 13 October 2006

Christian 'SnowCrash' Schuett , Community Manager and Lead Gamemaster at Reakktor Media also brings further news in regards to Neocron 2 today with the launch of a new Neocron 2 Mini-site at MMOsite.com.

 I think you will all agree that the increased level of exposure Neocron 2 has been recieving of late is very pleasing to see!

Ask The CEO!
Written by Tratos   
Friday, 13 October 2006

Today after a short delay due to illness Christian ' SnowCrash ' Schuett posted the answers to some of the biggest questions in the community directly from CEO of ReaKKtor Media, Holger Nathrath himself!

The announcement covers news about Neocron, the future of the game, Reakktor Media as a company and some information about Reakktor Media's upcoming project, Black Prophecy. 

You can click here to be taken directly to the announcement and discussion topic.

Server Connection Issues [Updated]
Written by Tratos   
Saturday, 23 September 2006

Update: A new announcement has been posted stating that the connection issues should now be resolved.

Currently there's a hardware problem at ReaKKtor's data centre host in Hamburg, the faulty hardware is being worked on but unfortunatley this means connection to the server may be tempremental untill the hardware is fixed/replaced.

To read the official announcement from Christian 'SnowCrash' Schuett click here, please be aware that this link may become invalid once the announcement passes on the official forums.

More will follow when the information becomes available. 

Balancing project update
Written by Brammers   
Friday, 08 September 2006

Dirk "John Doe" Wilhelmy of the Neocron 2 balancing team has posted up some very welcomed news about the balancing project.

The short version, it's going very well and the public test server is phase is due to begin sometime in mid october. The long version, just click on read more...

Patch 157
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 13 June 2006
Nidhogg and Snowcrash has given some great news - Patch 157 is coming out today! The servers will be down from 14:00BST (13:00CEST) for Patching, which will take about 2 hours. Patch notes will be posted here and elsewhere later today.
Content Spoiler for Patch 157
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 10 May 2006

SnowCrash revealed some news to the community, about some new content coming in Patch 157. As usual, no ETA for the patch, but it's expected to be within the next few days or next week.

He did also comfirm that the patch would fixed several known problems and bugs in the game.

If you click on Read More, we will tell you about what may be in the content patch, but if you want to wait for patch 157, look away now!

Neocron 2 Development Update
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 01 March 2006

Thanatos has released some development news today, on what is happening with Neocron 2. Click on Read more to see the latest news.

Ceres Weapon Reload Bug Policy
Written by Tratos   
Wednesday, 11 January 2006

Nidhogg has gone to Reakktor about this issue and returned with the following policy:

"People who lost their Ceres weapon due to the reload bug may request that their mission flag be reset enabling them to re-perform the mission. The request can be made through the helpdesk ( This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ) or via an in-game call ticket but must be submitted within two weeks of today (i.e before Wednesday 25th). Records will be kept of who has had their mission flag reset to ensure that this is not abused and only a Support Offlcial will be authorised to make the change.

We hope that this will resolve this issue to everyone's satisfaction. Sorry for the delay in releasing this policy."

For the official forum thread please click here

Server: Terra - Rollback
Written by Dr J Zoidberg   
Monday, 09 January 2006

Terra Is up the skitz again.

At approximately 22:16 GMT Server: Terra's lag spiked, and people started shouting. A host of problem's have occoured, on which you can comment on here.

More info will be posted when known. 

Update: No news, for those who are bored - play this game sugguested by Trillian and put your scores up here!

Update: 10 Jan 13:42 GMT by Bram - Terra has been rebooted and all seems to be fixed, but some people still have problems. If you still have problems read and post on this official forum thread.

Update: 10 Jan 16:27 GMT by Bram - Unfortunately the reboot didn't help, as there was still some DB corruption. Terra has to be rolled back to Jan 9, 4 PM GMT. More info here

New look to the Neocron website front page
Written by The Mutants   
Thursday, 10 November 2005
There is a new look to the Neocron website.  Looks like something big is coming for Evol 2.1.
Content News From KK!
Written by Tratos   
Monday, 04 July 2005
Today ReaKKtor have given us some good news for a change and seemed to have changed there ways and annoucned changes before they actualy happen. You can view the official statement from Thanatos on the official forums, the new content consists of new areas and quests in the city of Dome of York as well as a much wanted feature by the community, mob trophies!

The statement contains screenshots of the new content, a discussion is underway on the offiicial forums, you can find this disscussion here.
Trial Sales Model Change
Written by Tratos   
Monday, 27 June 2005
Thanatos has posted some good news for those living in an area where getting a Neocron 2 box copy/CD key is a pain as you can now buy the game online, i.e. no physical cd key needed.

Check out the announcement discussion here!
NC2 PvP Server News & Disscussion
Written by Tratos   
Wednesday, 15 June 2005
Thanatos has posted a new thread aimed at gathering input from the community about the new PvP server you can find this here, as well as this SnowCrash posted earlier in the German community talk a little feedback as to why Mercury was chosen this can be found here and has been translated into English using the Google language tools.
Server Populations
Server Players Status
Titan 12 Online

Last updated Wed 26 Mar 2025 04:55 (UTC)

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