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Server Connection Issues [Updated]
Written by Tratos   
Saturday, 23 September 2006

Update: A new announcement has been posted stating that the connection issues should now be resolved.

Currently there's a hardware problem at ReaKKtor's data centre host in Hamburg, the faulty hardware is being worked on but unfortunatley this means connection to the server may be tempremental untill the hardware is fixed/replaced.

To read the official announcement from Christian 'SnowCrash' Schuett click here, please be aware that this link may become invalid once the announcement passes on the official forums.

More will follow when the information becomes available. 

SnowCrash Wrote:
We are currently experiencing hardware problems with a network component at our data centre provider which is the problem for the current connection issues. Our provider is currently working on that problem but could not give us an estimated time when this will be fixed.
Until then it may happen that several connection attempts have to be made for a successful login.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Server Populations
Server Players Status
Titan 1 Online

Last updated Sat 27 Jul 2024 07:15 (UTC)

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