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Neocron is 15
Written by Brammers   
Saturday, 16 September 2017

Neocron celebrates a major milestone this week.

15 years ago, Neocron went retail. The Neocron Support team are celebrating this milestone with a content patch including a mission that allows you to enable character transfers  of your old Titan, Mercury and Mars characters.

Happy Anniversary Neocron from all of us at the THN.

Neocron Evolves again - Patch on Sarturday 12th November
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 08 November 2016

It's finally here - news has been released when the next big patch will be released on Official Neocron servers.

A small summary - "...thousands of lines of code. Huge chunks of Neocron’s underlying systems have been gutted and entirely re-engineered from the ground up. Where there was once an unruly and at times haphazard weapon system, now lies a modern and efficient system. Acting as a foundation to be built upon the future the new system is designed with flexibility, growth and agile iteration in mind." ... and much more.

Full details on the patch news can be found here on the official forums.. The patch notes will be released on the day of the patch.

Neocron news update - Patch 186-188 released and other Neocron news
Written by Brammers   
Friday, 08 August 2014

It's been a busy week with Neocron, with news and updates coming from all over the place.

As this is quite a big update, please click on Read More.

Double XP weekend 16th-18th May 2014
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 14 May 2014

The Official Neocron Facebook page has passed the 1000 likes milestone.

So to celebrate, the NST are having a Double XP weekend - it runs from the 16th - 18th May. Spread the word everyone!

Vedeena Test Server patch - 186-188
Public Test Server
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 14 April 2014

The Neocron Support Team have released a new patch to the public test server Vedeena.

This patch has some import changes which will shape PvP in the future and the NST is looking for players to test these import changes, and provide feedback.

The patch notes contain more detailed information on testing the PvP balancing changes - so before you go testing, please make sure you read the patch notes in full .

April Fools: Revealed - The new Neocron engine
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 01 April 2014

For months, the THN has suspected the Neocron Support Team has been working on something pretty big and amazing. We wasn't wrong.

This morning the big news was revealed - A brand new, totally sick, state of the art game engine.

Rather then tell you everything here on the THN you can read more about the new game engine along with 6 screenshots at the official Neocron website .


New Look Neocron Website!
Written by nEo1664   
Saturday, 15 February 2014

Overnight has seen the new Neocron website launch! Check it out here www.neocron-game.com

To celebrate this launch, the Neocron Support Team have made this weekend DoubleXP ! So hurry up, get viewing on the new site, and get ingame!

See you guys in Tech Haven ;)

Upcoming live NeoCast Interview with Trivaldi and Alduin
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 22 October 2013

This week on Wednesday 23rd October at 19:00 BST/20:00 CEST Trivaldi and Alduin from the Neocron Support Team will be giving a live interview on NeoCast Radio from Club Veronique in Pepper Park Sector 1.

Have you got a question you would like to ask them? If you do, get your questions in quickly in this thread on the Neocron Forums - hurry you have until the end of today!

R#184 - Sparta and Support Team Meet and Greet
News from the forums
Written by nEo1664   
Friday, 27 September 2013

Well guys and gals... You heard it first in the last Dev Update from Alduin, that Sparta would be in September.

What he has done is 1 better! R#184 for Titan this weekend, and Sparta to be launched on the 1st October!


Check out the official announcement here: http://forum.neocron-game.com/showthread.php?153146

The main gist of this, is that R#184 will be released to Titan on Sunday, between 11am and 1pm BST. With an event later that evening at 6pm.

Neocron dev-update - Sparta IS coming
Written by Brammers   
Friday, 06 September 2013

The latest dev-update is now available, and it's a massive update. This month the dev-update covers

  • How Neocron will be developed in future to bring you patches quicker.
  • How the Neocron Support Team plan to bring you the Sparta Balance Patches.
  • When Sparta is planning to launch.
  • News on the upcoming retail R#184 patch
  • Soul Light System & Improved 'Bad Guy' Experience
  • Updates CityCom Missions, Newbie Dungeons and Mob Variety
  • Neocron's New Art Department

The big news is on Sparta, and there is even a rough date for when Sparta will arrive. The date is sooner than you think, so you want to find out when? Go and read the dev-update here , and get onto Titan and start getting some PvP practice in so that you are ready for SPARTAAAAAA!





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Titan 9 Online

Last updated Sat 27 Jul 2024 09:00 (UTC)

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