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All the latest news about Neocron 2 from KK

Neocronicle - Submit Your Content
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 14 May 2012

The Neocronicle has been back for quite a few weeks now with news from around the world of Neocron.

Whether it's protests or rallies outside Tangent HQ, there is certianly something going on, and we have seen players contributing to the stories, such as Flib reporting on the crowds outside Tangent HQ, and Geist-[uTw]- publishing his own magazine, the DOY Reporter.

Now the Neocron Support team are inviting you to submit your own content, whether it's the weather, the latest news from Techhaven or maybe the canyon. It's upto you!

More information can be found in this thread.

Official IRC Neocron Channel Launches!
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 10 May 2012

The Neocron Support Team have just launched a IRC channel.

"We would like to invite you to join us in the new Official Neocron IRC Channel, where you can discuss the game and its community as well as a variety of other topics. Several members of the Neocron Support Team will be present in the channel to join in the discussion and to further break down the mystery of the team as well as the barrier between it and the community."

So if you want to have a chat about Neocron with other players and some of the support team, you can either use your own IRC client and connect to irc.neocron.info and channel #neocron, or you can use this trusty little web interface. (Requires Java to be enabled in your browser)

Neocronicle rises again
Launcher News
Written by Delphi   
Thursday, 26 April 2012

Older runners in the population of the great city of Neocron, who remember the time before the death of (our great leader) Reeza, will also remember a small news company known as the neocronicle. For quite some time the holowriters used by the reporters have remained silent as runners hunted the reporters for both sides of the war. However, no longer! The techhaven network is pleased to inform all runners tuned to our frequency that the neocronicle feed has been reactivated using the official forums .

Most recently reports have been posted surrounding the organisation of a defence force to remove a warbot force attacking the city gates (seriously how on Earth can these harbingers of doom still be around, surely someone somewhere must be making them?), the official organisation of a task force in order to cull the population of the Maulers in the deserts, and additionally reporting on press releases from a well known soft drinks company who has changed their slogan and now is giving away 'free' samples of their product in the safezone Plaza 1 medicare. 

We here at the Techhaven Network are pleased to once again be sharing the RPOS networks with the Neocronicle once again, and we look forward to working with the Neocronicle team again in the future reporting on world news as it happens. We advise all runners to continue to monitor both the Neocronicle and Techhaven Network feeds for up to date news, as it happens throughout the city and waste lands. 

 In additional news, the Techhaven Network would like to state for the record that any rumours concerning the impending release of a 'Techhaven Cola' are totally unfounded, however we can state that should we go into that business we would never use such cheap tactics as to give away samples. 

Neocron Launcher down - servers still up
Launcher News
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Just a heads up, the Neocron launcher page is currently down. This will prevent you from starting the game normally.

However the game servers are still up and running. There is a work around to allow you to play the game as normal. For details, please check out this thread on the forums

Neocron events - what sort of events do you want?
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 12 April 2012

If you haven't noticed, the Neocron Support Team have been quite busy lately, in bringing some excellent and fun events to Terra. The latest was the annual Easter Egg hunt with a bit of a twist - some of the eggs spawned extra surprises ranging from mutants to snakes!

Now the Neocron Support Team is asking for your input on what sort of events you want to see. You can vote in this poll in this thread, but make sure you also leave a comment.

Neocron now on social media
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 12 April 2012

Neocron has finally embraced the brave world of Social Media.

Have a look around Plaza 1 for some new NPC’s and talk to them. They will certainly tell you how much they like being followed and how much they like getting facebook likes!

So make sure you follow OfficialNeocron on Twitter and Like the Official Neocron Facebook page, and while you are at it, don’t forget to follow the Tech Haven Network on Twitter, and also like our Tech Haven Facebook page at the same time.

Update: 16th April 2012 And now Official Neocron is on Google+

Reakktor Media are no more
Written by CMaster   
Thursday, 29 March 2012

We already knew that Reakktor had been obliged to declare insolvency again. They've been running a "Save Reakktor" program on Facebook. Well, the time for that has apparently run out, as confirmed by this image and a post by (former?) Reakktor CEO Kirk Lenke on the forums:

 "Hi all,

today is indeed a sad day because we had to do what we must do.

Total Lockdown of REAKKTOR.

But it's not the end of "KK"

Will get with more info soon. Today I want to be sad...

I will make an official statement soon.



The THN's sypathies go out to those at Reakktor who lost their jobs. In the meantime, it looks like the only hope for the future of Neocron is Nukklear and Neocron Reloaded. What will become of Neocron 2, the Neocron website and forums remains to be seen.


Neocron servers now fully online
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 14 March 2012

After the recent hardware failure on the Neocron servers, and the move to a new data centre, it has been reported that all issues are now resolved.

The Neorcron servers where recently located in Germany (Rumoured to be Reakktor's Office, but we think it was Kirk Lenke basement!) They are now located on a VPS somewhere in Canada. This will effect ping times for players from Europe, but hopefully improve ping times for players based in the US.

Any thoughts and discussion on the server move, it's best to head here to this thread on the official forums.


Poll - how much would you give to fund Neocron Reloaded?
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Kirk Lenke is currently doing a small poll to see how much you would give to fund Neocron Reloaded using a funding platform like Kickstarter.

So please go and vote, and leave a comment in this thread on the official forums. Remember this poll is to guage interest at this time, rather than actually funding the game

Neocron Reloaded Announced
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 06 March 2012

Kirk Lenke CEO of Reakktor and also Nukklear made a surprise announcement about a new website containing details about Neocron Reloaded, which has got everyone here on the Tech Haven Network and in the Neocron community very excited.

Neocron Reloaded plans to take all the current models, maps and items from Neocron and rebuild it using the Unity gaming engine .  It also plans to take the best parts of Neocron 1 and 2 .

There has been some early success that it even runs very well within Unity’s web plugin. You can see scenes from Plaza 1 in Nukklear's promotion video . (Or here in the THN’s YouTube channel)

There is quite a large discussion thread on Neocron Reloaded with Questions and Answers from Kirk here.

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Last updated Tue 22 Oct 2024 16:55 (UTC)

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