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Playing Neocron 2 for free
Written by The THN team   
Wednesday, 09 September 2009

The THN admin team recentnly did a mass email on how to play Neocron for free. For those who do not have a THN account, here is a copy of the email sent. Click on read more to find out more.

The THN admin team recentnly did a mass email on how to play Neocron for free. For those who do not have a THN account, here is a copy of the email sent.

Hello All,

For a long time now it's been completely FREE to play Neocron 2 and so we were wondering, WHERE ARE YOU?!

If you own a full Neocron 2 account you used to pay for, you can now log directly into game without the need for reactivation. Simply find your account details and hit the login button!

The reason behind this is the unfortunate demise of 10Tacle Studios AG, Reakktor Media’s former parent company. Although Reakktor are still in business and pushing forward with their new project, Black Prophecy, they have had issues with PayPal due to the collapse of 10Tacle and so have reactivated all full Neocron 2 accounts for you to enjoy at your leisure.

This situation is a limited and temporary one - although we have no idea how long it will last, having run for a number of months already! - we thought we should spread the news to allow everyone to come back and give Neocron another go. The game is in its Evolution 2.2 state so if you've not played since the Evolution 2.2 update, which involved major changes to the skill and items system - you have a lot of learning to do.

The game is still fully supported by in-game Gamemasters, via E-Mail support and still has a fully moderated Official Forum. Then of course there is us, the TechHaven Network - here to help you out with any problems, questions and resources you might need to get back into the game. To assist we have a number of great resources. A full Wiki (http://wiki.techhaven.org ) detailing the missions, areas, monsters, skills and pretty much everything you need to know about the game along with a full Item Database (http://www.techhaven.org/db/ ) listing every item in the game!

A couple links of interest:
The Official Payment Situation: http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=143033
A Letter from Kirk Lenke, Reakktor CEO: http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=143720

So what are you waiting for?

Download the client - http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=143832
Say hello on the official forums - http://forum.neocron.com
Then check out the TechHaven Network - http://techhaven.org
Everything you need to get you back where you belong, with your precious NeoCrack.

At the moment the English Server, Terra, peaks at around 8% which is roughly 80 people, that may not sound like many but Neocron has always been a small game. This e-mail is hitting roughly 2000 mail boxes so please head back to the game and login again. People get bored and wander off from time to time 'cause the population is so low' but if we get a response to thie e-mail maybe we'll all solve that problem.

Every login counts to boost that online total!

We hope to see you soon, NeoCrack brings them all back...

The TechHaven Network

P.S. You can still create a new account if you want to bring new players to the game when you return. However these must be paid for using either PayByCash or Click2Pay and will continue to be billed at €5 a month until cancelled.

Server Populations
Server Players Status
Titan 14 Online

Last updated Fri 28 Feb 2025 12:55 (UTC)

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