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Neocron 2.3 Plans let slip
Written by CMaster   
Saturday, 25 August 2007

In a forum post today, Nidhogg stated that "Oh, and NC Evolution 2.3 is still scheduled for an Autumn release, not too far now."

Exactly what this next evolution comprises of is unknown, considering that the balancing promised by Evolution 2.2 has not yet been acheived, the faction restructuring was specifcally stated to not be "spectacular enough to call them Neocron 2.3", by CEO Holger Nathrath and as Snowcrash has said that "As we did it with Evolution 2.2 we will ask the community about what they like to see with Evolution 2.3. This means that we will offer several suggestions taken from the community discussions and then decide on what will be included with Evolution 2.3 on base of your feedback." which is a step that appears not to have happened yet.

More on this as it develops - although most likley is that the decisionw as made that faction revamp does merit being called 2.3

Update @ 1:00 26/08/2007 - Odin has found this article where Holger mentions the existence of a Neocron 2.3 So anybody who went to the convetion fancy filling us in on what he had to say? 

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