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Killing NPCs to gain soulight is against the RoC: KK
Written by CMaster   
Monday, 30 October 2006

Snowcrash has today announced that repeated killing of enemy NPC to gain soulight is "clearly against the rules of conduct" in this annoucement.

This effectively means that any player now killing enemy NPCs is at risk of disciplinary action if observed by a GM, or reported through the exploit reporting system. (Send a screenshot to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it if you observe any players in violation of the rules).

Several KK officials have now alluded to the existence of "special missions" for raising soulight, although what form these missions take is not yet clear - we'll let you know anything more we find out about these missions. For all those concerned about soulight however, normal citycom missions will raise both Soul Light and sympathy with the faction offering the mission.

Updated: It has been confirmed the "Special missions" in Techhaven give both Soullight and Faction Sympathy - see this thread 11th post down and the section about the special mission in our epics section.

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 31 October 2006 )
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