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New RPOS mods for Neocron
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 29 July 2010

Michael Corvin who has done some excellent fan graphics for Black Prophecy, hasn't forgotten about the Neocron community.

He has been busy doing, not one, but three new RPOS designs for Neocron. You can preview them at these 3 URL's.

Phoenix Mod - PHX http://phx.neocron3.com
Sky-Net Interface - SNI - http://sni.neocron3.com
Enhanced Core Ssystem - ECS - http://ecs.neocron3.com

Or you can view the 3 mods with each part of the RPOS on this excellent portal site. To switch between each HUD type, use the switch in the top left corner and click on the buttons in the middle to view each part of the HUD, and of course follow the instructions to install and download them.

Finally, don't forget to comment on the HUDS on the official forums in this English thread, or the German thead.



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