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Reakktor Media GmbH 'Fully Operational'
Written by Tratos   
Thursday, 05 November 2009
Yesterday we broke the news of a report on several German gaming websites declaring the end of ReaKKtor's insolvency crisis. This information has been officially confirmed today in the new issue of the Stella Vox Community Bulletin by Community Manager, Chris 'Snowcrash' Schuett.

"Some weeks have gone by since the last Stellarvox Community Bulletin and it is time again to provide you with some fresh information about Black Prophecy.

This time we have quite pleasant news for you. The responsible District Court in Hannover has abrogated the current insolvency proceeding of Reakktor Media GmbH’s assets. This means that we are finally out of the insolvency and again fully operational. With this huge obstacle out of the way, we are now in a far better situation for the negotiations with potential publishers. Having the insolvency sitting in our neck made things far more difficult and we are convinced that we’ll be able to provide you with more good news within the next weeks."

I'm sure you will all agree this is fantastic news, it's been a rough 16 Months for ReaKKtor and everyone here at the Tech Have Network is thrilled to finally hear that the developer behind our favourite MMORPG is back on track.

Congratulations ReaKKtor!
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