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Neocron - Back From The Brink!
Written by Tratos   
Saturday, 07 November 2009

Yet more Neocron related news?

Too Right.

Following on from the general statement of operations given to the Black Prophecy community yesterday, some more news has arrived relating to Neocron.

Kirk, ReaKKtor CEO, has once again personally dropped by the Neocron Community Forums, with some fantastic news. Now that KK are operating under their own steam again, this has granted them more freedom in their development choices - meaning none other than a Neocron Patch.

Patch 169 is finally on the cards.

A particularly exciting ectracts reads as follows:

"To enable a long-term future for Neocron, but also to lay foundation for a possible Neocron 3, we consider these measures as necessary. We assume to be able to provide the reactivation of the payment options and the deployment of said patches within the next three months."

I'm sure you will agree this is utterly fantastic news and personally this has me grinning like an idiot. Hit up this link  to read Kirk's full community address.

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