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10Tacle Declares Insolvency
Written by CMaster   
Thursday, 07 August 2008

10Tacle Studios AG, who wholly own ReaKKtor Media GmbH (the makers of Neocron) are being reported by various websites as having declared insolvency. It should be made clear that this does not necessarily mean the end of Neocron or Black Prophecy - Reakktor may in fact pass completely unscathed.

English gaming sites and German financial press are reporting that 10Tacle Studios AG, the German company that is the sole of owner of ReaKKtor Media GmbH, developers of Neocron has officially declared a state of insolvency (read more about this in english and badly translated german ). SnowCrash from KK has promised an offical statement about the sitation tomorrow in a posting on the German forums (again, bad translation here).

The fate of the 10Tacle subsidiaries appears to be mixed. Stormregion has apparenly been disbanded since completing their game, while 10Tacle Belgium has apparenty recentley met a similar fate. Meanwhile, Blimey!, a developer purchased by 10T and having had past success have stated every confidence that they will continue operating and releasing games.

Sources close to Reakktor are emphasising that Neocron servers will remain up for the forseeable future. It is quite possible wih the seeming strong progress of Black Prophecy and the apparent still revenue-generating Neocron that Reakktor will continue operating, especially as 10T can still hope for support from it's investors similar to the deal that recentley fell through , and KK may remain a saleable assett. This article details the directions and situation of 10Tacle quite well, alhough the deal referred to has now fallen through.


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