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Un-scheduled downtime - 17/09/2012
Written by nEo1664   
Monday, 17 September 2012

Hi All!

As of approximately 8.30PM this evening Neocron once again has been plunged into darkness. The good news is that it does not appear to be the result of a DDoS attack, and maybe someone has unplugged the servers to hoover maybe.

GM_Zoltan over twitter said this:

 "Main Host is unreachable. Its not a part of the DDoS attack... It seems that someone unplugs the server or something -.-"

As always,  we hope that all services are resumed as soon as possible, and as soon as they are, we will update this post.

The work so far, with the talk of the new server Titan, so far has been a product of the voluntary Neocron Support Team, we thank them greatly for all their hard work so far and in the future. As always guys, we are here to help :)


Server Populations
Server Players Status
Titan 12 Online

Last updated Sat 27 Jul 2024 02:30 (UTC)

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