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Patch next week?
Written by CMaster   
Friday, 13 April 2007
Suggestions of a patch "early next week" have surfaced from Reakktor employee "Carnage".

In a thread discussing the various changes to tradeskill calculations in 2.2, Stephan "Carnage" Bast stated that assuming all changes went to plan on GM test server, a patch could be anticipated early next week that would effect tradeskill calculations, presumably making constructing somewhat easier again.

It seems likley that various bugs that have been reported of late will also be fixed following promises of "as fast as possible" on some minor issues from Carnage, as well as in all liklehood additional balance tweaks - PvE changes would seem likley, as well as weapon balance adjustments.

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Last updated Sat 27 Jul 2024 06:35 (UTC)

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