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Neocron Updates
Written by nEo1664   
Saturday, 29 December 2012

Well hopefully you have all have a Merry Christmas, and are looking forward to a Happy New Year celebration!

Despite this holiday season, the Neocron Support Team have still been hard at work. 

The IRC server has now changed, from irc.neocron.info over to the new domain for both the forums, the micro-site, and IRC server.

If you use the online web-chat from the Neocron Forums, then this will be updated accordingly. If you use your own IRC client, then you will need to update your server to: irc.neocron-game.com

The channels are the same, so hop onto the new IRC server, and join #neocron channel!


In other news, the team have also released on the PTS Patch #177, and there is a pretty good rumour that work into the next retail patch is also under way!

Stay tuned for more info soon(tm)!

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Last updated Sat 27 Jul 2024 04:35 (UTC)

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