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Neocron 2 Development Update
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 01 March 2006
Here at the Tech Haven Network, we all been wondering what KK have been upto since Christmas. Well they have been busy, that for sure. Today Thanatos posted on the Official Neocron Forums the following news.
"We would like to give you a small info update about what is currently in the development pipeline:

- A patch with bug- and exploit-fixes is currently being tested by the QA and should be ready in the near future.

- Additionally, a content package that is being worked on will be implemented through several patches over the next weeks. Of course our event department will continue its efforts to provide you with more regular, exciting and story based dynamic game content.

- The evaluation process for the planned re-balaning project is progressing nicely and we are confident that we can set the discussions in motion over the next few weeks. As soon as the evaluation has been completed, the Test Server forum will be opened to discuss all necessary points."
If you want to discuss the latest Neocron 2 Development update, follow this link to the thread on the forums.
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Last updated Sat 29 Mar 2025 07:45 (UTC)

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