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Future Neocron Downtime and Price Plan changes
Written by Delphi   
Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Snowcrash has reported that there will be a migration of the server hardware containing the neocron 2 cluster to a new datacenter location between the 30th of June and the 7th of July. Obviously during this time there will not be any possible way to connect to the neocron servers.

In more positive news the price plan for Neocron 2 will change from the current amount of 9.99 € per month to a new low price of 5.00 €. More details will be vailable when the servers are migrating. 


Snowcrash posted:  

"Due to structural changes at our service provider in Hamburg, we are forced to move the Neocron 2 server hardware to a different location. This means that the current hardware will be dismantled in the current data center and then rebuilt and taken back into operation in the new data center. Because of the physical distance between both data centers and the expected additional work on the server hardware, we assume about one week for the migration. This means that the Neocron 2 servers will not be available from June, 30th until estimated July, 7th, 2008. Our tech department will of course endeavour to return the Neocron 2 servers back online as quick as possible.

We are aware that this downtime is anything but fortunate, as the Neocron 2 servers have recently been offline for several days due to technical problems.

After this not so pleasant news, we also have something positive to announce. It has been decided to lower the monthly Neocron 2 subscription fee to the amount of 5.00 € on July 1st, 2008. The three and six month subscription packages will no longer be offered and only the monthly subscription package will remain available. Further details concerning this price reduction will be available during the week of the server migration."
A little note - the current prices of the 3 and 6 month subscriptions are 24.99 € and 42.99 €
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