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THN News
All the news relating to the Tech Haven network, including news about the Wiki, Rares Database, Forums and any other site news, including news from other players and fansites.

Tech Haven Network Browser Survey
Site News
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 10 December 2008

The Tech Haven Network is doing a small browser survey, and we would like you to spend a moment telling us which browsers you use, espeically if you are using an older browser. (Like Internet Explorer 6 or Firefox 2)

The results will help decide what browsers the Tech Haven Network will fully support.

To vote, head over to this thread.

Gallery offline
Site News
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 04 September 2008

Due to a recently discovered security issue in the gallery software for the THN, the Gallery is offline until further notice.

Also please be aware, existing links to pictures on the site will not work as all access has been disabled. I apologise for the inconvenience caused.

uneX Contribution Pack - Preview release 2
Fansite News
Written by StevenJ   
Sunday, 27 July 2008

The uneX contribution preview 2 package is now available for download - including the DNS Assistant - a tool to sort out your DNS woes, NSkillV1 (small update), latest versions of the uneX launchers V1 and 2 (including sexy new music for Neocron)

This new package contains our new auto-update software, which means your uneX software need never be out-of-date, the uneX programs will periodically check for new versions.

At present, we cannot yet make unex accounts for the version 2 of the launcher automatically, but if you PM Marc Hoover or myself, we can manually create one for you.

The first preview release was not as complete as planned; namely the auto-updater was not included. NSkillV2 is still under development, we soon (TM) hope to be able to provide a very accurate model for damage and resists, including heals and psi shields, and that elusive complete item listing.

Anyhow, enough with the waffling, here's a link:

Contribution networX ultimate package Preview # 2 (Ultimate Network)
Contribution networX ultimate package Preview #2 (THN mirror)

We are also putting together a wiki to answer the whats, hows, wherefores and what-exactly-does-this-dos, and this can be found here:

uneX Wiki - we will be udpating this with useful content asap.

As usual, please post any questions or feedback in this thread , it helps us greatly.

uneX Contribution Pack - Preview release 1
Fansite News
Written by Brammers   
Friday, 11 July 2008

Marc Hoover has announced and released the 1st preview release of the uneX constribution pack.

"The uneX Contribution Pack is a fan made software collection of all software which was developed by the uneX Developer Team. The package includes NSkill v1, Item GFX, uneX Launcher v1 & v2 (BETA) and the "Neocron Enhancement Pack" the boost for your Neocron Client.

NCEP includes new sounds, musics and graphics for Neocron, you'll feel the new atmosphere!

If you want to test the uneX v2 Launcher contact Marc Hoover for an account."

The pack can be downloaed from the following locations:-

ultimate networX
Tech Haven Network

Items DB 1.5.0 Released
Items Database
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 26 June 2008

Have you ever wonder which smuggler sells the Tangent Mini Rocketlauncher  . Or you need to know where else you can buy the HEW Advanced War Drone RK-1000   drone when your Soullight is bad? (Hold your mouse over the little i icon to see the item information.)

With the help of the wiki, and the new item DB linking feature, wiki pages can be now linked up to items.

A big thanks has to go to Reaction, Logan Ford,  and Biglines,  who went and collected information on what each smuggler and vendor sells and added it to the wiki.

Not all the vendors are listed in the wiki, so please be patience while the vendor pages are compiled, or better still help out on the wiki .

THN downtime 25th June 2008
Site News
Written by Brammers   
Saturday, 21 June 2008

The THN will be offline for about 1-2 hours on Wednesday 25th June from 20:00BST (19:00UTC) This includes the THN Item DB, Rares DB, Forums and Wiki.

During the downtime, the Item DB will be upgraded to version 1.5.0 The reason for the downtime is this release is quite complex, and also it takes a little while for the DB backups to run.

I would like to apologise in advance for the inconvenience this downtime may cause.


Item DB 1.4.5
Items Database
Written by Brammers   
Sunday, 25 May 2008

Items DB 1.4.5 aka "The servers are down edition" has been released. This is a small release to address a bug with modifer not listing on the drugs page and extend the THN API with a little bit of new functionality.

The patch notes are on the NC-Wiki 

uneX framework released
Fansite News
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 12 May 2008

Marc Hoover has released the uneX framework for Neocron. The framework consists of a set of .NET DLL's for coders out there to make writing ultilties for Neocron a lot easier.

The discussion threads can be found here on the official forums, although developers are encouraged to use the uneX forums. The package can be download from here.

Item DB 1.4.3 Released
Items Database
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 21 April 2008
A new version of the Item DB has been released. This release features a few minor enhancements and fixes to the Item DB, and a lot of fixes and enhacements to the THN API.
Item GFX - 1st preview release
Fansite News
Written by Brammers   
Sunday, 23 March 2008

Mightymax has released the 1st public preview of ItemGFX, which allows you to legally change the ingame graphic icons, so you can now change that Stealth tool graphic to a decent looking stealth tool.

Click on Read More. 

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Last updated Fri 28 Feb 2025 13:00 (UTC)

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