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THN News
All the news relating to the Tech Haven network, including news about the Wiki, Rares Database, Forums and any other site news, including news from other players and fansites.

Wiki Version 2
Written by Delphi   
Sunday, 24 February 2008

As Im sure most of you will have realised the wiki formally known as www.nc-wiki.com has been moved permanently to http://wiki.techhaven.org and now falls under the banner of the Techhaven Network. This has enabled us to foster close links with the THN and Brammers has kindly developed a nice extension for the wiki.

Also since the wiki has moved a new facelift was in order, so a new skin has been developed by Delphi which fits in more with the neocron universe, and the Techhaven Network.

Any comments or suggestions can be posted here (Official forums) or here (Techhaven forums).

Downloads and Maps sections back online
Site News
Written by Brammers   
Friday, 22 February 2008

The Downloads sections (And also maps) is offline while an upgrade is carried out. No ETA for the return of the sections, but I hope it to be soon!

Update: As the new docman upgrade needs a new theme skin to match the rest of the THN, the Downloads and Maps will not be back until the end of the weekend at the earliest - sorry about that, but the upgrade is neccessary for the smooth operation of the THN. 

Update No.2:  The downloads are now back online, and the Maps are also back with their own section.

Item DB 1.4.0
Items Database
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 04 February 2008

The Item DB has had a code update. Version 1.4.0 is now live  with new features such as.

- List of items that can be made by recycling
- List of WoC items
- List of Mr Jones items
- List of Epic items
- Improved PPU listing

Also the displays have been improved, if you got a compatible browser just hover over the Neocron "n" symbol on an item to get instant details on an item.

Any bugs, please report them in the THN forums.

Merry Christmas
Site News
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 24 December 2007

Well it's that time of the year to rock around the Christmas Tree again in Plaza 1, and hope those NCPD copbots have left some nice presents for you all... as for the first time in years, everyone is allowed in Plaza 1. (Unless you have been a naughty boy or girl!)

Anyway, on behalf of myself and everyone at the Tech Haven Network, we would like to wish all our fans a Merry Crhistmas!

Guides and resource movements
Site News
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 03 December 2007

The THN admin is having a little discussion on the content patch and our resources, and one thing that has been pointed out is a lot of guides will need updating for the content patch, since everyone in the Dome will be moving out.

Now it's been suggested that the Faction epic guides are moved from the THN to the NC-Wiki, to allow the community to contribute more freely to the guides. This does lead us to a bigger question, what else could we move to the Wiki?

This is when I like to ask you for your comments.

1. What do you think of the idea in general?
2. What guides and resources do you think should stay on the THN?
3. What guides and resources do you think should move to the NC-Wiki?
4. And anything else you would like to say on the subject.

I would like to invite everyone to post their comments in these threads on the Official forums and the THN forums.

Items DB 1.3.5
Items Database
Written by Brammers   
Friday, 23 November 2007

This is a small little feature update, which I hope you like...

You see I've been playing around with JQuery a lot recently, and found this nice little table sorter . So I thought this would be cool and sexy to use on the Item DB.

Sure enough I think it's sexy and cool, you can sort on nearly all columns. In the case of the Requirments and modifers columns, it takes the first value. Any issues, comments please post in this thread .

P.S. You need a Javascript enabled browser for this to work.


Childs Play Charity
Site News
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 06 November 2007

There is an interesting and very worthwhile Chairty called Childs Play Charity which was started by Penny Arcade a few days to give children who are ill in hospital a little extra to raise their spirits.

With the help of hospital staff, they have set up gift wish lists full of video games, toys, and movies. You can go to each hospital's list and buy a toy, and that toy will be sent to the hospital. Some of the stuff the hospital will give away for kids to keep, while other gifts (like consoles) will be kept by the hospital for patients to use throughout the year.

Like many other people, Neocron is supporting the Childs Play Charity innitative, and the Tech Haven Network would also like give it's support and ask it's visitors to support the chairty either by donating to the Charity, or by sticking a banner to the Child Play Charity on your website, blog or signature to raise attention to the Childs Play Chairty.


Server maintenance
Site News
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 04 October 2007

This weekend (6/7th October) there will be some extensive server maintenance. There will be occasional periods of downtime while various pieces of software are updated and there will probably be a couple of reboots along the way.

Also the IP of the THN will change slightly. Depending on your ISP the new DNS records may take a short while to update.

Rares DB Version 2.0.0 Released
Rares Database
Written by Brammers   
Saturday, 22 September 2007

After several months of work, the Rares DB Verion 2.0.0 has been released.

This version has had a lot of new code added and changed, to allow a new set of features to be added, such as:-

- The editor is completely redesigned using AJAX to allow saving edits on the fly.
- A revamped parts listing page, which shows what weapon needs what sort of parts. It also links into the THN Items DB
- Quick filters have been added to nearly all pages - just click on the tabs at the top of the rares list to see the items you want!
- Rare part search, find parts to complete your item from other traders
- A new rares list comparision is available, which will help you to identify possible trades.
- Xfire Support - if you have Xfire, it will tell you if the person is online and playing Neocron.

A big thanks to Delphi, Nova, Cmaster, Tratos, Tubby133, StevenJ, Matan, Herrad, Dribble Joy, Pantho and Abeyance for their testing and contribution of ideas. Big thanks to StevenJ who worked on the original concept and code for the Xfire Neocron detection.

Also thanks to anyone who I've missed that has help on this project.

Click on Read more to see some screenshots of the new Rares DB. 

Upcoming Rares DB 2.0.0 Release
Rares Database
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 20 September 2007

On Saturday 22nd September at 11:00BST the Rares DB will be upgraded to version 2.0.0. The upgrade is expected to take 2 hours to complete.

This version has several new features and considerable changes over the current version. Some of the new featrures are:-

- A new rares editor
- Rares comparison
- Part searching
- Integration with the THN items DB
- And a lot more...

As the new version of the rares DB is using PHP5 code, the IP of the rares.techhaven.org website will change slightly. Depending on your ISP, it may take a short while before the new site is accessable.

A full set of release notes will be released on the THN after the upgrade. 

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Last updated Fri 28 Feb 2025 13:20 (UTC)

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