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THN News
All the news relating to the Tech Haven network, including news about the Wiki, Rares Database, Forums and any other site news, including news from other players and fansites.

THN user accounts cleanup
Site News
Written by Brammers   
Sunday, 10 March 2013

I've just done a cleanup of inactive and unused users on the THN.

We have only removed accounts if the account has:-

  • Never used the forums (Such as posting or PM'ing)
  • Has no parts or items logged in the rares DB

The cleanup should not effect regular users of the THN. However if in the past you have just registered a username to reserve it, you will have to re-register it. However please keep in mind we will regularly run scripts to cleanup unused accounts.

Any questions on the accounts cleanup, please contact us on the THN forums.

THN server upgrades - Complete
Site News
Written by Brammers   
Friday, 01 February 2013

Tomorrow (Sat 2nd Feb 2013) the THN server will be undergoing some server software updates. This means the server will be unavailable without notice and for undefined periods of time.

The upgrades are due to begin at 10am UK time. No ETA, it will be done when it's done and I'm happy with the upgrades. ;)

I apologise for the short notice of the possible downtime. For updates please follow or check the @Techhaven page on Twitter.

Update: 2nd Feb - All upgrades complete, and all parts of the THN should be working normally.

THN stats DB launched
Site News
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Since the launch of Titan and the Neocron API, the THN been working on a new project. Some of you may have seen the tweets about it or heard about it.

Today I'm announcing the THN Stats DB - http://stats.techhaven.org/

So what does it do?

  • Servers - Current server populations and lastest outpost news .
  • Servers - Last 5 days server populations .
  • Outposts - Lists the current outpost owners .
  • Outposts - Lists the past owners of an outpost .
  • Clans - Lists all op-fighting clans .
  • Clans - Lists the current ops held by a clan and their fighting history .
  • Twitter - All outpost changes are tweeted by our THN-CPU account so don't forget to follow!

So if you got a clan, and want to show potential members your op-fighting history, you can. Or do want to accuse another clan of Ninja hacking with evidence? Well you can do that as well.

We got more features coming soon including:

  • Outpost security settings.
  • More graphs and plots.
  • Support for factions.
  • A world map.
  • Support for stats from the THN Rares DB.
  • German Language support.
  • ...and much more.

Any comments and questions, please post them here!

A big thanks goes to Zoltan and the Neocron 2 support team for the API and also the THN team for their comments and testing.

Disclaimer: Use of the data from the Stats DB is at your own risk, the THN accepts no responsibility for any unexpected clan wars.

Wiki upgraded
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 01 October 2012

The Wiki has been upgraded to the latest version of the MediaWiki software.

All pages should work normally. However if you spot something that looks odd or out of place, please either.

1. Leave a message on the Talk page of the wiki page in question.
2. Leave a message on my Talk page.
2. Post a message up in the forums.
3. Tweet us @techhaven.


Forum tidy up
Tech Haven Network Forums
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 25 September 2012

There has been a tidy up of the THN forums lately in preperation for the upcoming forum upgrades.

What I've done is archived a lot of old forums and removed a lot of groups. This includes old clan forums. Since no clan forums have used their clans for years, and the majority of clans have their own private clan forums, we will be discontinuing all clan forums. Any clans with posts left, have been contacted with further details.

There are other groups which have been removed, and you find that you no longer have to certain posts or forums. Do not worry as we have safely archived them, and made a note of all member groups. So if you find you cannot access something, please leave a note on the forums or drop me a PM .

P.S. Forum upgrade date is "soon".


Rares DB Version 2.0.10 Released
Rares Database
Written by Brammers   
Sunday, 22 July 2012

The Rares DB has been updated to version 2.0.10.

The login code has been changed for the upcoming THN upgrades. When you are logged into the Rares DB, you are no longer logged into the forums. To use the forums, you must log in if you wish to send a PM to another trader.

Also all past "Remember me" tokens are now all invalidated. All new remember me tokens are now valid for a maximum of 90 days.

Any bugs or issues please leave a post on the forums or tweet us.


Rares DB Version 2.0.7 Released
Rares Database
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 18 July 2012

This is a small release of the Rares DB to test if our release process sill works, and to pull in a few bug fixes that have been hot-fixed over the years.

The only visible user change is the server order has been changed to Terra - Mars - Mercury which probably reflects the server activity more accuracy! The Neptune server has been finally hidden.

There are no new features in this release. There will be another release soon to change the Single Sign On code soon which will be required for the upcoming THN upgrades.

Any bugs please report them on the forums or you can tweet us .

Our video's - now on YouTube
Site News
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 05 March 2012

Our video's are now available to view on our channel on YouTube .

For quite a few years, we have been hosting a few video's from Neocron in our download section. We have now made them available to view on YouTube as well.

If you are asking the question "Are you going to remove the video's from the download section on the THN?" Don't worry, the answer is no, they will remain there.

So why not check today and don't forget to subscribe to the channel.


The THN is on Facebook
Site News
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 08 September 2011

The THN is also now on Facebook! While you are waiting for your rezzer to bring you back from the dead on the Plaza 2 zoneline, why not check out our Facebook page?

And remember to click on "Like this" so you get the latest updates from the Tech Haven Network and Neocron.

Wiki registration suspended (Re-enabled)
Written by Brammers   
Sunday, 20 March 2011

Due to a problem with Spambots registered and spamming the wiki I had to temporarily suspended the ability to register on the NC wiki.

The good news, is this won’t be long since the latest wave of spambots don’t really have a clue how to hide the fact they are a spambot, so once the new countermeasures are in place we will be back to normal.

Updated: 22 Mar 2011 - Wiki registration has been re-enabled for now.

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Results 21 - 30 of 131
Server Populations
Server Players Status
Titan 7 Online

Last updated Sat 21 Dec 2024 12:30 (UTC)

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