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THN stats DB launched
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Since the launch of Titan and the Neocron API, the THN been working on a new project. Some of you may have seen the tweets about it or heard about it.

Today I'm announcing the THN Stats DB - http://stats.techhaven.org/

So what does it do?

  • Servers - Current server populations and lastest outpost news .
  • Servers - Last 5 days server populations .
  • Outposts - Lists the current outpost owners .
  • Outposts - Lists the past owners of an outpost .
  • Clans - Lists all op-fighting clans .
  • Clans - Lists the current ops held by a clan and their fighting history .
  • Twitter - All outpost changes are tweeted by our THN-CPU account so don't forget to follow!

So if you got a clan, and want to show potential members your op-fighting history, you can. Or do want to accuse another clan of Ninja hacking with evidence? Well you can do that as well.

We got more features coming soon including:

  • Outpost security settings.
  • More graphs and plots.
  • Support for factions.
  • A world map.
  • Support for stats from the THN Rares DB.
  • German Language support.
  • ...and much more.

Any comments and questions, please post them here!

A big thanks goes to Zoltan and the Neocron 2 support team for the API and also the THN team for their comments and testing.

Disclaimer: Use of the data from the Stats DB is at your own risk, the THN accepts no responsibility for any unexpected clan wars.

Server Populations
Server Players Status
Titan 10 Online

Last updated Sat 27 Jul 2024 02:45 (UTC)

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