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THN News
All the news relating to the Tech Haven network, including news about the Wiki, Rares Database, Forums and any other site news, including news from other players and fansites.

Items DB 1.3.0
Items Database
Written by Brammers   
Sunday, 22 April 2007

The Item DB 1.3.0 has been released, with a bunch of new features for searching, and improvements to the display output.

A note about the update for Neocron 2.2, we are marking any group as 2.2 meaning it has been updated for Neocron 2.2, and also anything marked as 2.1 has not been updated. 

For the full details, please click on Read More. 

Item DB 1.2.0-1.2.9
Items Database
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Some of you may had spotted the item DB version number sneaking up without any release notes. If you have, you deserve a can of Cron 55!

Click on Read more for a summary of changes.

Item DB updates!
Items Database
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 09 April 2007

You are all going probably screaming "ARGH THE ITEMS DB is EMPTY!"

It's not. Myself and a few other helpful people are going around checking the items ingame to make sure they are correct 2.2. This will be done over the next few weeks. 

Sections Done.

Drones (Missing the Punisher and Mosquito)
Hacknet Software (All done - thanks for Cmaster for his raid on the Phoenix NC DB)
Bone Implants
Tradeskill Gloves and PSI Gloves (Done - Thanks Judge for the CAG2 stats)
Vehicles - 90% Done
Stealth and hack tools - Done

Sections current in Progress

Anything that is being updated is current hidden - so we can track what needs to be found. 

All Rifles
All Pistols
All Melee
All Heavy Weapons

Last updated: 19:48 BST 9-Apr 2007 

Site upgrades - Complete
Site News
Written by Brammers   
Friday, 06 April 2007

Over the Easter weekend, there will be some upgrades to the THN server software.

The THN will be moving over from PHP4 to PHP5 for the follow websites.

http://forum.techhaven.org/ - Updating on Saturday 7th April - 10:00BST to 17:00BST (Completed)
http://www.techhaven.org/ - Updating on Sunday 8th April - 10:00BST to 17:00BST (Completed early on Sat 7th April)

The Rares Database will remain on PHP4 until release 2.0 is done.

During the updates, the IP of the websites will change slightly, meaning you may not reach the new websites until your ISP gets the new IP's from the DNS records.

The PHP5 upgrades will make life a bit easier on coding new extensions to things like the Items DB and the Rares DB.

Update: All upgrades completed -  The main THN website http://www.techhaven.org was also done today, ahead of the original planned scheduled downtime.

Any problems please report them in this thread or in this thread on the official forums

Rares DB updates
Rares Database
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 04 April 2007

Tonight, the follow rares and their will be removed from the Rares DB.

F24.88 Flamethrower (This is a Black Dragon FDB item)
Holy Anti Protector (No-one has parts - this looks like it was confused with the Crahn Anti protector)
Crahn Catharsis (Removed from the rare pool in-game)

Any problems, please start a thread in the THN forums, or send me a PM.

Update: The parts have now been removed from the pool. 

Rares DB Item updates
Rares Database
Written by Brammers   
Sunday, 01 April 2007
The Tech Haven Rares Database has just had a bit of a Database cleanup for Evo 2.2 Some items have been removed as a result.
New clan website - R2K
Fansite News
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 14 March 2007

The Fallen Angels clan, R2K who are based on the server Terra, have updated their clansite with a new skin for Neocron 2.2, I've got to say it looks great!

Not only do they have their own forums, but they are serving up some Fallen Angels news, propaganda and unbiased battle reports. (So they claim!)

Head over to http://www.r2k-ua.net/ and good luck with your site guys!


Items DB 1.2.0
Items Database
Written by Brammers   
Saturday, 10 March 2007

The item DB has been updated to allow non integer modifier values. (ie To allow values like +2.84) This means you will see values like+2.00 until the item DB gets updated with the new values for 2.2.

Any other issues please report in this thread.

Please note 1.2.1 will also follow a little later today or tomrrow. 

Ultimate launcher links up with the THN
Fansite News
Written by Brammers   
Saturday, 17 February 2007

HOOver , the author of the neocron utility, Ultimate Launcher has linked up with the Tech Haven Network News.

When we post any News item, we will send a news item using the Ultimate Launcher ingame news system. If you are using the Ultimate Launcher, you will see something like this ingame.

[THN] THN News links up with the Ultimate Launcher - see http://www.techhaven.org

More news can be found in this thread.

Not only can the launcher get the latest news from the THN, it has several useful extras, like an in-game translater, a IRC client and various tools to help Neocron run more stablely.

You can download the Launcher from the Neocron Download tools section.

New Neocron Video Archive Website
Fansite News
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 08 February 2007

A new Neocron Fansite has opened! It's the Neocron Video Archive which is run by Robert[GS] Worth a look for some video gems in there.

There is a discussion thread about the new site here in English or for the German version go here!

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