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uneX Contribution Pack - Preview release 2
Written by StevenJ   
Sunday, 27 July 2008

The uneX contribution preview 2 package is now available for download - including the DNS Assistant - a tool to sort out your DNS woes, NSkillV1 (small update), latest versions of the uneX launchers V1 and 2 (including sexy new music for Neocron)

This new package contains our new auto-update software, which means your uneX software need never be out-of-date, the uneX programs will periodically check for new versions.

At present, we cannot yet make unex accounts for the version 2 of the launcher automatically, but if you PM Marc Hoover or myself, we can manually create one for you.

The first preview release was not as complete as planned; namely the auto-updater was not included. NSkillV2 is still under development, we soon (TM) hope to be able to provide a very accurate model for damage and resists, including heals and psi shields, and that elusive complete item listing.

Anyhow, enough with the waffling, here's a link:

Contribution networX ultimate package Preview # 2 (Ultimate Network)
Contribution networX ultimate package Preview #2 (THN mirror)

We are also putting together a wiki to answer the whats, hows, wherefores and what-exactly-does-this-dos, and this can be found here:

uneX Wiki - we will be udpating this with useful content asap.

As usual, please post any questions or feedback in this thread , it helps us greatly.

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Last updated Tue 03 Dec 2024 16:40 (UTC)

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