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R#184 - Sparta and Support Team Meet and Greet
Written by nEo1664   
Friday, 27 September 2013

Well guys and gals... You heard it first in the last Dev Update from Alduin, that Sparta would be in September.

What he has done is 1 better! R#184 for Titan this weekend, and Sparta to be launched on the 1st October!


Check out the official announcement here: http://forum.neocron-game.com/showthread.php?153146

The main gist of this, is that R#184 will be released to Titan on Sunday, between 11am and 1pm BST. With an event later that evening at 6pm.

Official forums are back
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 26 July 2012

The official Neocron Forums have been back a few days, and I've have to say how fantastic it is looking. Well done to the Neocron Support Team and Mokoi for the hard work in moving to the new version of vBulletin.

Some of the new and fixed stuff which I've come across so far.

  • A new theme, including a theme that works well on mobile browsers.
  • The forum can send emails again. So if you lost your password, you can get it back. Don't have a forum account, register here!
  • A new blogs section which is the new home of the Neocronicle.
  • I quite like the new activity stream page, so you can see what has been happening.

There are a few minor gremlins with the forums, so if you find one, let everyone know in this thread.

Finally, the most important news. There is a contest on the official forums to win a Gold WoC PA. All you have to do is either design some new NC Themed Smiley's or NC Themed Avatars. So if you want to have a go, check this thread out and fire up your favourite graphic design package and get drawing.

Official Neocron forum security breach and forum upgrades
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 09 July 2012

We have some important news if you use the Official Neocron Forum – regrettably the user database for the Neocron Forums has been breached. If you use similar passwords used on other forums you are advised to change them. Please read the following announcement on the official forums and take action ASAP.

However this breached has allowed the Neocron Support Team to push forward a well needed forum upgrade to the latest version of vBulletin forum and CMS software. As I type this, the forum upgrade is in progress and a temporary forum area is available for the community, so you can continue to spam post your away.

We are looking forward to seeing the new forums in action soon.

Finally I must stress this breach effects only the Official Neocron Forums. It does not affect the Techhaven Network forums or any other parts of the THN. However over the next few months, the THN will also be announcing changes and upgrades to the website. Stray tuned for more details in the next few weeks.

One week on
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 27 February 2012

It's been just over a week since the shock news of Reakktor's second insolvency broke.

Since then there has been a flurry of acitivity on the offical forums. The first major bit of activity was Kirk Lenke finally posting answers to the questions we all asked months ago about Neocron.

In other news the community has been really backing and supporting KK in this difficult time. A new GM called Jord has just started on the GM team, and he did take time to post on the forums. Also the community welcomed back 2 very well known and respected members of Reakktor, Nidhogg and Hoder.

Also for once there has been a bit of in-game forums posts for a change. First of was from a certain member of the THN who finally leveled his APU monk to INT 100 , and a Gold WoC3 PA party was held in Plaza 1.

Overall the community response and reaction to the insolvency news has been very positive in supporting Reakktor, and it's clear none of the community want to see Neocron go.

So to Reakktor and everyone, keep the faith. Everyone at the THN and everyone in the Neocron community is behind you.

Reakktor CEO Kirk Lenke Responds to Community Questions
Written by Tratos   
Tuesday, 21 February 2012

You may remember a while back we reported the community's bid to get some new solid information on Neocron, it's status and it's future. Today we have that information.

Late last night Reakktor Media's CEO Kirk Lenke returned to the official forums to deliver answers to almost every question asked in the campaign for information last year. What makes this response so important is the brutal honesty it is delivered with. There is far to much to quote here so we advise you head straight over to the official forums to read Kirk's response . There is also a separate discussion thread found here .

The most poiniant and imporant answer we found across the two posts, is Kirk's complete commitment to Neocron and the news of exactly how the Neocron server's have stayed online so long while the account fee has been turned off.  

"The only action I could take was putting the payments off and keeping Neocron alive somehow without causing any costs for Reakktor, the fund or Gamigo. The servers in the past years have been paid by me and I mean by me."
- Kirk Lenke, Reakktor Media CEO.
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