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One week on
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 27 February 2012

It's been just over a week since the shock news of Reakktor's second insolvency broke.

Since then there has been a flurry of acitivity on the offical forums. The first major bit of activity was Kirk Lenke finally posting answers to the questions we all asked months ago about Neocron.

In other news the community has been really backing and supporting KK in this difficult time. A new GM called Jord has just started on the GM team, and he did take time to post on the forums. Also the community welcomed back 2 very well known and respected members of Reakktor, Nidhogg and Hoder.

Also for once there has been a bit of in-game forums posts for a change. First of was from a certain member of the THN who finally leveled his APU monk to INT 100 , and a Gold WoC3 PA party was held in Plaza 1.

Overall the community response and reaction to the insolvency news has been very positive in supporting Reakktor, and it's clear none of the community want to see Neocron go.

So to Reakktor and everyone, keep the faith. Everyone at the THN and everyone in the Neocron community is behind you.

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Last updated Sat 21 Dec 2024 16:50 (UTC)

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