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A letter from Kirk Lenke
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Kirk Lenke, the current acting CEO of Reakktor has published a short little letter on the offical forums.

The Mercury situation
We are aware that the situation with the server “Mercury”, which is unavailable for several weeks now, is far from being satisfying. Due to operational circumstances we were not able to yet resolve the technical issues with that server being down. Even though Reakktor Media has been saved as a company, we are still within the insolvency procedure which makes things more complicated. I will look after this personally and strive to get the rectification of the technical issues under way as quick as possible.

Neocron and the state of play
I am not going to beat around the bush with regards to the general situation of Neocron. Because of the previous insolvency we were forced to freeze the development of Neocron and fully focus on the new project. This was inevitable in order to preserve the company and its 40 employees. That Neocron was neglected in the course of this bothers us in the same way as it does you. Neocron and everything connected to it is and always will be a part of us. After we succeeded in saving the company and putting it back on solid ground, I again have confidence in the future of Neocron. It will not be possible to make a complete overhaul, but we will take all action to keep Neocron alive as long as possible. I am not able to go into details at this time, but we will keep you posted on that matter.

Until then, we will support you and Neocron as effectively as possible, be it with the Gamemaster team or our e-mail support, and continue to provide it for the same low expense as before.

Thank you for your time and the confidence you place in us


Feel free to comment on the official forums in this thread.

Bloom Filter Authorised!
Written by Tratos   
Monday, 05 January 2009

Today fresh from the Christmas break at Reakktor Media, Community Manager SnowCrash has published a new annoucement based on some recent community activity.

As of today you can now legally add some bloom to the world of Neocron, bringing new life to the Neocron graphics engine.

With regards to the forum thread "Bloom for Neocron" about the privately developed graphics filter that enables the bloom effect for Neocron 2, we permit the use of this filter for enhancing the graphic quality of your Neocron 2 installation.

We explicitly point out that the use of this special graphics filter happens on your own risk and Reakktor Media cannot be made liable for any harm made to your computer system due to download and use of this graphics filter. Also Reakktor Media does not offer any support for problems occurring from the use of this graphics filter.

 If you'd like to comment on the announcement head on over to this thread, if you'd like instructions for installing the bloom modification the original thread resides here with some screenshots showing the difference bloom makes.

All in all a very nice new addition to your Neocron 2.2 game client

Update: You can download the filter from here on the THN.

NC Forums back online
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 03 June 2008
After the great transformer explosion at the datacenter in Houston, Texas where the Neocron forms are hosted, the forums are now back online .
NC Forums offline
Written by Brammers   
Sunday, 01 June 2008

Currently the Neocron forums are offline for reasons unknown. It is not clear when they went down, but the first report of the forums being down was at 9.35GMT on Sunday.

No news on when the forums will be back or what the cause of the issue is. As soon as the THN knows, we will tell you.

In the mean time, feel free to use the THN Forums.

Updated: Monday 10:30BST - Still down, and no news available. On the THN here are a couple of threads of interest.

Compensation discussion - http://forum.techhaven.org/viewtopic.php?t=3108
NC Forums down discussion -  http://forum.techhaven.org/viewtopic.php?t=3109

Updated: 13:05BST - After a little bit of investigation and a comfirmation post from Nidhogg on the THN forums , the NC forums are offline due to a transformer exploding in the Houston datacenter where the NC forums are hosted. More news on the exploding transformer can be found on The Register.

Please note that the game servers are up and running as normal, as they are in a different datacenter.

As for the ETA, our guess is good as yours - howerver there is a service update page with the latest information

Update: 22:55 BST - Apparantly the servers at the H1 datacentre affected by the transformer outage are beginning to come back online, hopefully this means the NC forums will be up and running again soon.

Update: 03/06-/08 @ 00:08

A statement has been released from the CEO of the company (The Planet) running the server on which the Neocron forums are hosted, from the sounds of it, it looks like the forums should be back online at 2am BST!

Update: 30/06/08 9:58BST - The forums are back! 

Downtime Compensation
Written by Tratos   
Saturday, 31 May 2008

Chenoa has today posted news and information regarding the compensation packaged offered by Reakktor in light of the recent server downtime caused by major hardware malfunctions at their datacentre in Hamburg.

You can find full details of the compensation package and the means by which to claim on the official forums in this thread or just click on Read More.

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