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Bloom Filter Authorised!
Written by Tratos   
Monday, 05 January 2009

Today fresh from the Christmas break at Reakktor Media, Community Manager SnowCrash has published a new annoucement based on some recent community activity.

As of today you can now legally add some bloom to the world of Neocron, bringing new life to the Neocron graphics engine.

With regards to the forum thread "Bloom for Neocron" about the privately developed graphics filter that enables the bloom effect for Neocron 2, we permit the use of this filter for enhancing the graphic quality of your Neocron 2 installation.

We explicitly point out that the use of this special graphics filter happens on your own risk and Reakktor Media cannot be made liable for any harm made to your computer system due to download and use of this graphics filter. Also Reakktor Media does not offer any support for problems occurring from the use of this graphics filter.

 If you'd like to comment on the announcement head on over to this thread, if you'd like instructions for installing the bloom modification the original thread resides here with some screenshots showing the difference bloom makes.

All in all a very nice new addition to your Neocron 2.2 game client

Update: You can download the filter from here on the THN.

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