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Forum Watch #4 - It's Been A While!
Written by Tratos   
Thursday, 26 November 2009

So, with the buzz created by Reakktor's return to a fully operational state the community have been a little busier with some speculation and chatter of late - so we're back behind the wheel of our Forum Watch feature!

 The same day as our fearless leaders in Hannover return to business proper we got some fantastic eye-candy from the ever graphically talented runner, Michael Corvin with some very sexy Neocron themed Forza Motorsport 3 skins.

 Slightly more relevant the speculation begins proper with the usual 'patch wish list' headed up by runner Torg with a little twist as he wants wants to know your 3 Wishes for Neocron.

 The speculation and ponderment continues from the runner Seltec next who has started quite an interesting discussion regarding Neocron's potential future on a new graphics engine, this one is true speculation and wishful thinking at the moment but where would you like Neocron 2.X/3's Graphical Future  to go?

 Moving along we have a rare sighting, some role-play heaven forbid! Something that even shows a rare gap in the TechHaven Network's fantastic Item DB ! Check out runner Torg's encounter with The Mysterious Dr. Abramov, have you met the good Doctor?

 A pretty good question follows next from the runner Izeo who's wondering after all this time, just when were the beloved OPs we fight for day-in, day-out actually built ? Could this be time for a History re-cap for some of you?

Another important question next, one the TechHaven Network would certainly like to know the answer to. Runner L0KI asks, who's coming back for the patch?

Runner zii has been having a bit of think on some content he'd like to see from the patch and has come up with a plan for the Crahn Church in the Dome of York and their Black Dragon allies.

November has seen the social side of the community reignited from the buzz of 169 and a few meetings are being organised - runner aKe'cj would like to see you lot in Germany, while runner Eddie Murphy wants to get the party started a little close to home.

 Another few threads cover some other areas, such as speculation over the future of in game GM-held Events and an interesting view on every post apocalyptic socialites favorite supject. Neocron's shopping scene.

To finish we really need to mention this thread as for months now a truly dedicated bunch of runners have been hard at work at another Neocron experience in the form of a Source DeathMatch Modification and so far their work looks out-standing! 

Be sure to check out official forums as they are still alive and kicking and throw up some awesome conversation - so be part of it and show ReaKKtor this game has a dedicated community worth working for!

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Last updated Fri 28 Feb 2025 13:10 (UTC)

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