All the latest news about Neocron 2 from KK
Neocron 2.2 Evolution
Written by Brammers
Thursday, 02 November 2006 |
Thanatos has started the next discussion topic on Hacknet. Not many changes planned except to health, stamina and hacking. Have a read and add your input to this new thread. On the vehicle balancing thread, John Doe has posted up some interesting planned additions to the vehicle range. Can I just say the NEXT Rhino4x4 Chaincraft V.3 with an AoE Raygun cannon sounds like teh uber!...*Hears a No from somewhere* Ok who on the THN website team said no I can't say that... |
Written by CMaster
Monday, 30 October 2006 |
Snowcrash has today announced that repeated killing of enemy NPC to gain soulight is "clearly against the rules of conduct" in this annoucement. This effectively means that any player now killing enemy NPCs is at risk of disciplinary action if observed by a GM, or reported through the exploit reporting system. (Send a screenshot to
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if you observe any players in violation of the rules). Several KK officials have now alluded to the existence of "special missions" for raising soulight, although what form these missions take is not yet clear - we'll let you know anything more we find out about these missions. For all those concerned about soulight however, normal citycom missions will raise both Soul Light and sympathy with the faction offering the mission. Updated: It has been confirmed the "Special missions" in Techhaven give both Soullight and Faction Sympathy - see this thread 11th post down and the section about the special mission in our epics section. |
Written by CMaster
Wednesday, 25 October 2006 |
Following on from this announcement , Reakktor have announced that they are running a competeiton for user-made custom RPOSs, with free gametime going to the winners of the contest. Ratings of the RPOS will aparently be made by the Neocron community. The deadline for this contest is the 31st Novemember 2006. Read the full announcement here. |
News from the forums
Written by CMaster
Sunday, 22 October 2006 |
It was announced today (although apparently has been working for a few days) that the popular gaming instant messenger tool, Xfire now supports Neocron 2. |
Written by Tratos
Thursday, 19 October 2006 |
Christian 'SnowCrash' Schuett today has announced that modification of the Neocron 2 R.P.O.S. is now legal again under a new set of guidelines and rules. The announcement can be found here and the new forum subsection with information about Neocron 2 R.P.O.S. modification can be found here. |
Plan Files
Written by Tratos
Wednesday, 18 October 2006 |
This planfile covers the topic of "Theme Weeks" |
Written by Tratos
Saturday, 14 October 2006 |
In the last few days Christian 'SnowCrash' Schuett (Community Manager & Lead Gamemaster at Reakktor) seems to have been very busy as early this morning he has released another announcement regarding a new short interview at As a side note a few days ago Snowcrash also gave news of his progression with XFire's CEO on Neocron 2 being supported by XFire in this thread, you can be sure the THN will bring you news on this as more information becomes available.
Written by Tratos
Friday, 13 October 2006 |
Today after a short delay due to illness Christian ' SnowCrash ' Schuett posted the answers to some of the biggest questions in the community directly from CEO of ReaKKtor Media, Holger Nathrath himself! The announcement covers news about Neocron, the future of the game, Reakktor Media as a company and some information about Reakktor Media's upcoming project, Black Prophecy. You can click here to be taken directly to the announcement and discussion topic.
Neocron 2.2 Evolution
Written by Tratos
Friday, 13 October 2006 |
It would seem alot of the Reakktor Media staff over in the office in Hanover have been taken ill over the last week but despite this Dirk "John Doe" Wilhelmy , part of the main Neocron Development Team, has given us a short update in the long running Balancing Project Progress thread. This short update covers issues about further discussion topics aswell as the current progress of the project as a whole. |
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