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Neocron 2 Planfile #1
Written by Tratos   
Wednesday, 18 October 2006
This planfile covers the topic of "Theme Weeks"


We are determined to improve the communication with the community and to allow you to take a closer look at our development process. We thought about a good way to do this for a while. A simple, general communication can not always be guaranteed due to our work load. Therefore we will weave the communication with you into the development process. We will introduce a new system shortly: Theme Weeks.


Theme Weeks:
These theme weeks will describe the central focus of the current development process as well as different activities revolving around the central theme.

We have plans for things like contests and theme-related events. Of course the details will depend on the respective themes.

Internally, all departments (if possible) will work on the week’s theme. This means bug fixing as well as developing and implementing new content.

At the end of each of theme weeks, a closure event is planned using the new features and content.


To be able to communicate all of this properly and efficiently, we will open threads in a new forum section specific to the theme weeks.

These will contain content plans, an area for reports and more. The threads will be monitored by us and the reports will be added to a „known issues“ list. This list will also reflect the development status of all the points on it. The list will be available from the same forum section. Both the known problems as well as their status will be documented.


The duration of the theme weeks will be between 1 and 3 weeks depending on the theme. Should any problems remain after the set time limit (which will most likely happen occasionally), these problems will have to be postponed.

All sides will have to live with this. Without setting time limits, some themes would block the pipeline for other themes for too long.


KK Team:
The themes from the theme weeks are the team’s top priority.


This system will clearly show you what we are working on and what improvements you can expect in the time to come. In addition, we hope to be able to offer you new content and additional ingame entertainment related to the theme.


Start date:
We have to clear up some questions internally and distribute the tasks. Therefore we will need a few more days to set everything up. We hope to be able to start the first theme week sometime next week. We will inform you in due time.


Holger Nathrath

Reakktor.com CEO

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Last updated Fri 28 Feb 2025 12:45 (UTC)

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