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All the latest general news about Neocron 2 from ReaKKtor.

Reakktor Media GmbH 'Fully Operational'
Written by Tratos   
Thursday, 05 November 2009
Yesterday we broke the news of a report on several German gaming websites declaring the end of ReaKKtor's insolvency crisis. This information has been officially confirmed today in the new issue of the Stella Vox Community Bulletin by Community Manager, Chris 'Snowcrash' Schuett.

"Some weeks have gone by since the last Stellarvox Community Bulletin and it is time again to provide you with some fresh information about Black Prophecy.

This time we have quite pleasant news for you. The responsible District Court in Hannover has abrogated the current insolvency proceeding of Reakktor Media GmbH’s assets. This means that we are finally out of the insolvency and again fully operational. With this huge obstacle out of the way, we are now in a far better situation for the negotiations with potential publishers. Having the insolvency sitting in our neck made things far more difficult and we are convinced that we’ll be able to provide you with more good news within the next weeks."

I'm sure you will all agree this is fantastic news, it's been a rough 16 Months for ReaKKtor and everyone here at the Tech Have Network is thrilled to finally hear that the developer behind our favourite MMORPG is back on track.

Congratulations ReaKKtor!
Reakktor no longer in Administration
Written by CMaster   
Wednesday, 04 November 2009
Those who've been following this for a long while may remember that Reakktor's previous ownder, 10Tacle Studios AG declared insolvency. KK quickly explained that they hoped to survivie this while all the other stuios owned by 10Tacle were closed down. Today, several german gaming sites are reporting having recieved a press release from Reakktor stating that the insolvency is offically over. You can read some (very good) google translations here and here. They also state that Black Prophecy will be released in 2010 - a 2009 release having been looking less and less likley as the months go on of course. We'll be poking Reakktor for more information tomorrow. One has to wonder if this means free Neocron will be coming to an end any time soon.
Playing Neocron 2 for free
Written by The THN team   
Wednesday, 09 September 2009

The THN admin team recentnly did a mass email on how to play Neocron for free. For those who do not have a THN account, here is a copy of the email sent. Click on read more to find out more.

Akira Sun meets Neocron
Written by MC Brammers   
Wednesday, 11 February 2009

This just in from Snowcrash on the official forums about a German DJ and producer called Akira Sun, who is using sound samples from the game.

"Rapidly launching into 2009 with his brand new single "Neocron", the German DJ and producer Akira Sun presents his next dance floor hit in cooperation with Reakktor Media.

Inspired by the Massively Multiplayer Roleplay Game "Neocron" by the Hannoverian game developer Reakktor Media, Akira Sun merges familiar Electro Beats and aggressive Synths with a good portion of Dark Future Cyberpunk.

In addition to the original version by Akira Sun, Liquid Cosmo, Mellow Reflector and André F. are contributing several phat remixes.

Learn more about Akira Sun on the official web site or on his MySpace profile!"

Make sure you check out the samples on the MySpace page link, and talk about it here on the forums.

Clarification regarding the current payment provider issues
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 09 October 2008

Snowcrash just posted this little post to clarify the current payment provider issues.

"In course of the issues we are encountering due to the insolvency, we have explained that all Neocron 2 accounts have been enabled for free play. This explanation has obviously led to some confusion which we would like to clarify.

Currently it is not possible to renew or create accounts by using PayPal as payment provider. This is related to issues at Paypal that are beyond our sphere of influence. To compensate this, we have decided to put game points on all accounts to allow players, who are using PayPal, to continue playing until the issues have been fixed. All other accounts using PaybyCash and Click2Pay are being billed as normal with 5 Euro per month subscription fee.

Under the current circumstances we see no other option to address these issues as we do not want to lock out players using PayPal as payment method. In order to compensate our customers who are using different payment methods but still pay for some of their accounts, we have enabled the previous mentioned game points to reactivate all expired accounts. This means that you can access any of your additional accounts that are currently expired regardless what kind of payment method you use without getting charged until further notice. Accounts that are in the regular payment cycle are getting billed as usual.

As we have already explained, Reakktor will continue its business but there are still issues to address which make things a bit more complicating. We can only ask you for your understanding and would like to thank those who are standing loyally at our side during this difficult times.

Feel free to discuss this in this official forum thread.

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Last updated Wed 05 Feb 2025 09:55 (UTC)

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