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H.I.O.B Hacks
This area contains copies of what H.I.O.B posted on the Neocronicle and the Voice of the Resistance, since his "Hacks" are normally wiped off and lost.

Great Done!
Written by CMaster   
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
HIOB's been up to his hacking tricks again and we know now for sure that he is actually an AI. Exactly what it is on about in this message is not entirley clear - it resembles OOC shittalk about op fights that has been automatically translated from maltese to flemmish and finally english.
Not this way!
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 19 July 2007

Another hack by HIOB (Click on Read More) has hit just the Voice of the Resistance, none long after news of a big accident in Tech Haven and an explosion in the subway.

Update: It's also been reported the Neocronicle has been hacked as well - thanks to Abeyance for the spot.

What has happened now?
Written by Delphi   
Thursday, 05 July 2007

Seems the neocronicle and VoTR have been hacked by the now infamous H.I.O.B. All of the previous hacks can be found by clicking HIOB under news on the left. 

 Keep up to date with the Neocron story "The Death Circuit Part 3" at the neocronicle and VoTR.


What is up now?
Written by CMaster   
Wednesday, 04 July 2007
HIOB gets into the magazines again, to say that he/she/it will be recovering the missing leaders of the two alliances.
Lets go on...
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 28 June 2007

Well after a long absence of HIOB, he's back hacking the Voice of the Resistance and the Neocronicle mags again, which a bit of an odd message.  If you want to see some of his past hacks click on the HIOB under News on the left.

This latest hack is probably the start of Chapter 3 of the Death Circuit storyline.

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Last updated Sat 27 Jul 2024 08:25 (UTC)

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