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Lets go on...
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 28 June 2007

Well after a long absence of HIOB, he's back hacking the Voice of the Resistance and the Neocronicle mags again, which a bit of an odd message.  If you want to see some of his past hacks click on the HIOB under News on the left.

This latest hack is probably the start of Chapter 3 of the Death Circuit storyline.

Lets go on...

Ok, that was nothing. Where do you want this to end? I mean, what would you have done without me? This is really dissapointing, how could this have gone wrong! Everything you needed was done by others. It really could have been your loss, if i had not pulled the right strings. But no, every hint you ignored. You could not reach it alone - as you saw! Well, anyway this Main-Mutant is now behind bars. Do what you want with his copy, i am not interested anymore. But worldpeace you will never get this way, believe me!
No sorrows, i will find the right solution, the right steps will follow!
wrn>system-p>systemcore> UNKNOWN COMMAND
ERROR 665: connection terminated by user

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Last updated Sat 27 Jul 2024 04:10 (UTC)

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