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Rares DB News
Rares DB 2.6 released
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 07 November 2017

The rares DB has been upgraded to version 2.6

The main changes to the UI is that is looks like the rest of the THN, but all users shoud see little or no difference in usage.

The main bulk of the work has been refactoring and upgrading the code from the original old framework to a modern framework, since the orginal code was written back in 2005! There will be further updates to the older code that remains as this is the 2nd major step to bring the codebase up to modern standards, with new features being planned to 3.0.

Rares DB back online
Written by Brammers   
Saturday, 22 June 2013

The Rares DB is now back online.

As the THN authenication has been upgraded, before you can login to the Rares DB, you will need to upgrade your password. You can do this by logging into the THN Forums first . Once this is done you can log back into the rares DB again.

This step only needs to be done once. Any bugs or issues, please report them in the forums.

Rares DB Version 2.0.10 Released
Written by Brammers   
Sunday, 22 July 2012

The Rares DB has been updated to version 2.0.10.

The login code has been changed for the upcoming THN upgrades. When you are logged into the Rares DB, you are no longer logged into the forums. To use the forums, you must log in if you wish to send a PM to another trader.

Also all past "Remember me" tokens are now all invalidated. All new remember me tokens are now valid for a maximum of 90 days.

Any bugs or issues please leave a post on the forums or tweet us.


Rares DB Version 2.0.7 Released
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 18 July 2012

This is a small release of the Rares DB to test if our release process sill works, and to pull in a few bug fixes that have been hot-fixed over the years.

The only visible user change is the server order has been changed to Terra - Mars - Mercury which probably reflects the server activity more accuracy! The Neptune server has been finally hidden.

There are no new features in this release. There will be another release soon to change the Single Sign On code soon which will be required for the upcoming THN upgrades.

Any bugs please report them on the forums or you can tweet us .

Rares DB Version 2.0.0 Released
Written by Brammers   
Saturday, 22 September 2007

After several months of work, the Rares DB Verion 2.0.0 has been released.

This version has had a lot of new code added and changed, to allow a new set of features to be added, such as:-

- The editor is completely redesigned using AJAX to allow saving edits on the fly.
- A revamped parts listing page, which shows what weapon needs what sort of parts. It also links into the THN Items DB
- Quick filters have been added to nearly all pages - just click on the tabs at the top of the rares list to see the items you want!
- Rare part search, find parts to complete your item from other traders
- A new rares list comparision is available, which will help you to identify possible trades.
- Xfire Support - if you have Xfire, it will tell you if the person is online and playing Neocron.

A big thanks to Delphi, Nova, Cmaster, Tratos, Tubby133, StevenJ, Matan, Herrad, Dribble Joy, Pantho and Abeyance for their testing and contribution of ideas. Big thanks to StevenJ who worked on the original concept and code for the Xfire Neocron detection.

Also thanks to anyone who I've missed that has help on this project.

Click on Read more to see some screenshots of the new Rares DB. 

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