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All the news and changes to the THN Items database.

Updated power armour lists
Written by Brammers   
Saturday, 17 March 2018

The THN Items Database has been updated with the new PA's for Droners - https://db.techhaven.org/power-armor-lists/remote-users recently introducted with retail patch 242.

As there are a lot of Power Armours in Neocron these days, we now added extra lists to view the available power armour by combat type.  (M-C, H-C, P-C, R-C, APU, PPU and RCL)

You can find the "Power Armor Lists" on the Items DB homepage at https://db.techhaven.org/

Items DB V2 Gold released
Written by Brammers   
Sunday, 25 September 2016

Items DB V2 has left beta and and gone gold. We would like to thank our users for testing the beta and all the feedback.

The THN Items DB is one the biggest and most used sites for Neocron since 2006. Although it works well, some of the code and design is quite old. So a few years ago, a new design was laid down to allow the Item DB to expand with some of the upcoming changes in Neocron. Including

  • All items are versions - so you can see the history of what has changed for an item.
  • Users are now able to submit updates and new items to the DB.
  • The admins have the ability to add new attributes to the system. So the admins can now add new data types (eg Cabs in apartments) without patching.
  • A lot of the old data was cleaned up, and some missing data restored.
  • Some new data available to add and view on items, Smuggler item details, ammo clip sizes, and charges.
  • The CSS, JS and HTML has been re-worked to work better with modern browsers.
  • The full change log can be found here.

The development process does not end here. Development for Version 2.1 has started to add item views so you can see a full extensive list of rares, FSM items and other useful features.

And were is the Items DB? Just follow the usual links, or click here.

Items DB V2 Beta 2 released
Written by Brammers   
Sunday, 31 July 2016

Itemd DB V2 Beta 2 has been released to http://db.techhaven.org/

I would like to thank the players for testing the Item DB, and shaking out a few issues. Also the feedback I had in-game has been very welcomed. (Yes I do play NC)

Some of the main updates in this release.

  • This release enables the full item editing of items. Players can now submit updates for existing items, and submit new items that are not listed.
  • The diff view between different versions has ben completely overhauled. Some of you have sad you had to be a hacker/coder to understand it, well it's now 100% totally "runner" friendly so you can see what's changed.
  • And may more fixes and changes
  • Missing APU/PPU items from pre/post NC2.2 updates have been revisted n updated, although the parts list for some items may not be correct.

Any submitted item updates will reviewed by a THN admin and as this DB is "live" please submit real updates, and not "test" updates.

The next release will be Items DB 2.0.0 Gold which will have a few minor bug updates and anything that shakes out of this short beta.

Items DB V2 Beta 1 released
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 11 July 2016

After working on and off for the last 2 years I'm now pleased to annouce the release of Items DB V2 Beta 1

Items DB V2 is a re-write from scratch to fix a lot of issues that has made adding new features difficult over the years. Apart from a cleaner UI, each item is now versioned. The eventual aim of version to to hopefully track the changes for each item between patches. Players will now be able to submit updates for items, and this includes adding data to items that goes beyond what's available on an item ingame.

Further roadmaps will be published once Item DB V2 goes gold.

For the first beta release, there are a few features missing (Such as Faction DB Lists, and FSM lists) missing. They will return in future beta releases. There are bugs as well, which we hope you can report to us. The aim is to get things stable.

One important note, is Item DB editing and submitting of items is currently disabled for users. We need to add editing of attributes such as modifiers and requirements. This is epected to be added in Beta 2 or Beta 3.

Also I'm aware some players following the NC:C project want to see the old stats of items. You can view old stats of an item by viewing an item, and selecting the older version. I know this isn't ideal but this issue will be addressed later.

So how do you use the new Items DB - well you are probably already using it but you can head to the Items DB at http://db.techhaven.org/ and please report any bugs to the THN forums

Items DB 1.5.4 & 1.5.5 Released
Written by Brammers   
Saturday, 17 July 2010

There has been a small update to the THN API part of the Item DB, where a few JQuery libraries have been updated.

No new functionality has been added, however support for IE6 has been dropped. If you use this browser on the THN Item DB, you may find parts of it will not display correctly. We recommend upgraded to IE8, or using an alternative browser such as Firefox .

Update 19th July 2010: Some more code updates which should have no effect on current functionality.

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