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The Great Neocron Quiz
Event News - All servers
Written by Delphi   
Monday, 24 September 2007

Snowcrash today has released details of a new event to be run on the Terra server for the rest of this week, The Great Neocron Quiz as it will be called involves runners finding hidden NPCs for the rest of the week answering a quiz question from them and then mailing in the answers at the end of the week.

A clue concerning the location of each of the NPCs each day will be posted into the Neocron 2 Competition Forum. To participate in the quiz find the answers to all the quiz questions and send them by email to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it with the subject "Neocron Quiz" on the last day of the event.

The Prizes:


Happy Birthday Neocron!
Event News - All servers
Written by Delphi   
Thursday, 06 September 2007

Neocron is exactly 5 Years old today! We at the THN want to wish ReaKKtor and all the GMs well for a job well done in the last 5 years. To celebrate this there will be a party location which will open at Midday today (6th September) to midday on Friday (7th September) with enterances in TH2, Plaza 1, MB 1, DoY 6.

Chenoa also annoucned that an ingame surprise part will be opened once in the afternoon and once in the late evening server by server and will be announced via the Admin> channel ingame by the GMs. Have a look - grab some screenshots for the THN gallery, and open as many GRs as possible.

The original thread is here for people to celebrate this momentous occasion. 

Enjoy the Party!

The market comes again
Event News - All servers
Written by CMaster   
Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Once more, the Neocron Mall below Techhaven is opening, at 1PM BST, Friday, 3rd August 2007. As well as the ususal array of shops and player-run auctions, the GM operated auction this time has it's own currency, that can be got by trading key items with an NPC. Some of the items availble this time are very valuable.

Read and comment in the offical forum thread.

Masters of the Universe, Battle 2
Event News - All servers
Written by CMaster   
Thursday, 07 June 2007
The second Masters of the Universe (MotU) contest is to take place, as previously reported by the THN. This high-action combat contest will be taking place across all servers, however given the recent migration of most players to Terra, we can assume we will see a true "Neocron's best" on Terra. We're still waiting on dates and futher details, but more information can be found in the offical forum thread, while a registration website  is up and running. Hope to see you all in the pit
First "mini runs" introduced.
Event News - All servers
Written by CMaster   
Sunday, 06 May 2007

Chenoa has just announced that the first of (what will hopefully be a series) of mini-quests that will take you to some new "dynamic zones" and involve players more in the storyline. There are 2 NPCs in every city (NC, DoY, MB), one for each run, making a total of 6 different "runs". Word is that the rewards are codephrases - perhaps if you collect all of these there is something significant availble. You can keep up with the discussion in the offical forum thread , as ever.

 Updated at 19:40 06/05/2007 (BST)

Neocron Mall opens again
Event News - All servers
Written by CMaster   
Friday, 04 May 2007
So the bi-monthly (ish) Neocron Mall event comes around again. Providing the feel of a big market that passes through town, once again various storees will set up stalls and there will be a series of auctions. The prizes promised for the participants last time will be hnaded out as part of the opening ceremony. The mall will be open between 11:00 on the 11th of may and 20:00 on the 13th May (BST) . Read the full details and join in the discussion on the offical forum thread.
MotU to go ahead
Event News - All servers
Written by CMaster   
Friday, 04 May 2007
Followin on from this poll, it appears that the popular "Masters of the Universe" PvP tournament will be taking place once again, based on Chenoa's comment here. The MotU follows an interesting format, you can read up on the rules and format for the previous MotU in this thread.
The Pit - PvP event
Event News - All servers
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 03 April 2007

This easter weekend, there will be a PvP event on all servers, in the form of a Natural Selection last man standing style fight. Each round, 5 Runners will enter the Pit and only one will leave the pit alive to go into a final round to fight for the following prizes.

1. WoC 3 PA, golden Cup
2. Copbot Trophy, silver Cup
3. Master Hunter Trophy, bronze Cup

And the fights will be:-

Mars: Friday, 06 April 07 - 8pm CEST
Terra: Saturday, 07 April 07 - 10pm CEST (9pm BST)
Mercury: Sunday, 08 April 07 - 6pm CEST

Details on the rules and how to enter can be found in this thread. Remember you need to register for the contest to take part!

Market Event Announced
Event News - All servers
Written by CMaster   
Thursday, 22 March 2007
Today Chenoa announced the construction and soon-opening of a "mall" underneath Tech Haven which shall host an event best considered akin to a market, with player-run stalls, auctions and entertainment.
PvP Test Op-fight
Event News - Test Server
Written by Brammers   
Saturday, 03 February 2007
On Tuesday 6th Febraury at 19:00 GMT (20:00 CET) There will be a PvP op-fight event. This will give everyone a chance to try PvP on EvO 2.2 at an op-war. More details can be found here!
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Last updated Sat 21 Dec 2024 15:50 (UTC)

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