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THN News
All the news relating to the Tech Haven network, including news about the Wiki, Rares Database, Forums and any other site news, including news from other players and fansites.

Rares DB: Version 1.25
Rares Database
Written by Brammers   
Sunday, 13 November 2005
This release is a feature release, with some new little features added for the read only access feature.
Rares DB: Version 1.24
Rares Database
Written by Brammers   
Sunday, 06 November 2005

This is a small update to fix a minor logout bug, and a small code change to complete the THN single signin feature.

Now I can start work again on the juicy features I've got piled up to do!

Forums upgraded
Tech Haven Network Forums
Written by Brammers   
Saturday, 05 November 2005

The forum software has been upgraded to the latest version of phpBB. This was a bit more than a minor upgrade, and since the THN forums has some customisations, it's possible I may had broken things. The upgrade may had effected the rest of the THN website as well.

Please report issues here.

Update: 6-Nov-2005 I have now enabled the code in the forums that allows you to login once to the THN, and have access across the whole THN wesbsite. Any issues please report it in the above link. If you had auto-login enabled you may have to logout and login for this to take full effect.

THN Rares DB - Slow Logins
Rares Database
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 01 November 2005

It has been reported that the login page for the rares database is slow to appear, or in some cases, it does not appear at all.

I am investigating the issue and will come up with a fix.

A work around is to use the login box on the left on this page to login, and then click on the Rares DB link at the top right of the page.

Updated: 12:22GMT - I've identified a possible issue, the SynergyXR webring code is causing browser timeouts, due to the http://nc.synergyxr.net website being down. I will apply a fix later today to turn off the Webring code.

Updated: 2 Nov 00:23GMT - Seems the SXR website is back, and the slow login problem resolved.

Rares DB: 1.21 to 1.23
Rares Database
Written by Brammers   
Saturday, 15 October 2005
This is a minor update to support the single point sign-in on the THN, to save you signing in multiple times. This does not log you into the THN forums, but thats the next feature on the list. More details if you click on Read More.
THN site upgrade
Site News
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 11 October 2005

 Just a quick news item, to say the main backend of the Tech Haven Network has moved from Mambo to Joomla. Everything should be the same as before, but if something is broken please send me a PM to me via the Tech Haven Network Forums.

Gallery updated
Site News
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 03 October 2005
The gallery software has been upgraded, this should fix a few problems when adding pictures. If anyone gets any problems, please send me a PM via the the THN forums.

Update: CSS is fixed!

Rares DB: Version 1.20
Rares Database
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 22 September 2005
No sooner have the keys cooled down from the 1.13 release, the THN Rares DB version 1.20 has been released. This features a new colour scheme to help identify which rare items have spare parts, and you can now remember your login details. The change log has all the details. Any problems please report them in this thread.
Rares DB: Version 1.13
Rares Database
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 21 September 2005
The THN Rares DB has been updated to version 1.13. This release just has some code changes to support the upcoming single sign-on feature for the THN, which has not yet been enabled! If there are any problems, please report them in this thread.
Site News:Neocron History
Site News
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 12 September 2005
The Tech Haven Network, is delighted to be able to bring you the offical Neocron 2 History. We would like thank Nidhogg, ReaKKtor and 10Tacle Sudios for allowing us to reproduce the history.

To read, Just click on Neocron Official History in the THN Resources menu.

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