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Wiki pages cleanup and emails
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Today I did a cleanup of the User pages within the THN Neocron Wiki . I have removed any empty pages within the UserTalk namespace or the User namespace. Only pages that had a few edit on them with messages on the lines of “Welcome to the wiki” have been removed, and nothing of value has been lost.

However you may have received an email to say the page has been changed, and when you click to view the page, you get a message saying the page is missing. You can safely ignore this email and my apologies for the emails being sent.

If you want to view the deleted pages, you can by login into the wiki and going to your user page. The link to view or restore deleted pages will be there, and you can choose to restore them if you want.

Thanks goes to wiki user Ashrid for flagging up the emails being sent. Any questions or issues leave a message on my Talk Page.

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