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Help donate toward the THN hosting costs
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 15 June 2015

In the past some of you have contributed or offered to contribute to the costs of running the THN but have not found it easy to do so. As of today, you can help.

Now some of you may be wondering why ask now? Well firstly I’ve only just got my fingers out and sorted out this out, and secondly the running costs of the THN have gone up over the last year.

If anyone has kept tabs on the history of hosting the THN, you will know it has been hosted on a shared co-lo sever from 2003 until late 2014 at quite low cost of around £70 a year. However due to some hardware failures and other issues, the THN was moved to a VPS which is costing a total of around £15 a month which is coming out of my own pocket. This current VPS setup isn’t ideal, as it does suffer from a lack of resources in terms of memory and CPU power. To get more processing power requires some more money, and that’s where you can help.

So if you want to give the THN a bit of cash to help out with the running costs, feel free and just click on the button on the right marked £Donate". Any donations received will be used to:-

  • Primarily pay for the hosting costs of the THN.
  • Purchase any software licenses needed for the THN (Although the THN runs on open source software which is free, however some software does cost a little to purchase/subscribe to)
  • Maybe the odd beer.

Some things to keep in mind. By donating funds to the THN however big or small, will not grant you any extra permissions, or access rights within the THN. Donations to the THN are also completely separate to the donations towards running the Neocron servers. In other words donating towards the THN costs does not pay towards the costs of running the Neocron servers. The NST have a separate donation page for the running costs of the Neocron servers, so if you want to help them out please use their donation page.

Still want to donate to the THN – Click that button on the right marked Donate – Thanks!

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Last updated Fri 28 Feb 2025 12:35 (UTC)

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