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THN Upgrades
Written by Brammers   
Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Over the last 2 weeks the THN has done some software upgrades to:

Software upgrades are updates to the latest versions of the software, so no new features have been added. However should something not be working please drop us a line over on the forums.

And also this is a chance for us to say a quick hello to all the members of the Neocron community - we are still here.

THN on the move (Complete)
Written by Brammers   
Friday, 08 April 2016

The THN is has moved servers, and all services are online and running normally.

Any feedback please use - http://forum.neocron-game.com/showthread.php?156503-THN-Downtime-and-moving

Services online and on the new server

Main page and Items DB, Wiki, Items DB API, Stats DB and Rares DB and the new Items DB.

Known issues

During the move, we have cleaned up some files from the downloads section. The links still need to be updated.
Please note DNS updates can take upto 3 hours to filter through to the interwebz! 


8th April - 16:00BST  -New user registration is currently disabled until the server move is complete.
8th April - 21:43BST - Wiki now transfered. New secret version Items DB online. (Ask Bram in the forums for more details)
10th April - 13:05BST - Remaining services now transfered.
11th April - 07:55BST - Server move is now competed. 
11th April - 10:34BST - Fixed updating of Rare stats and fix base URL for the front page. 

Please note DNS updates to point to the new server may take upto 3 hours or more to filter through.


Merry Christmas
Written by THN team   
Friday, 25 December 2015
Everyone here at the THN would like to wish all NC players and our supporters a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year.
Be good everyone, remember S.A.N.T.A.B.O.T has an eye on you.... (And probably your Christmas present as well!)
Help donate toward the THN hosting costs
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 15 June 2015

In the past some of you have contributed or offered to contribute to the costs of running the THN but have not found it easy to do so. As of today, you can help.

Now some of you may be wondering why ask now? Well firstly I’ve only just got my fingers out and sorted out this out, and secondly the running costs of the THN have gone up over the last year.

If anyone has kept tabs on the history of hosting the THN, you will know it has been hosted on a shared co-lo sever from 2003 until late 2014 at quite low cost of around £70 a year. However due to some hardware failures and other issues, the THN was moved to a VPS which is costing a total of around £15 a month which is coming out of my own pocket. This current VPS setup isn’t ideal, as it does suffer from a lack of resources in terms of memory and CPU power. To get more processing power requires some more money, and that’s where you can help.

So if you want to give the THN a bit of cash to help out with the running costs, feel free and just click on the button on the right marked £Donate". Any donations received will be used to:-

  • Primarily pay for the hosting costs of the THN.
  • Purchase any software licenses needed for the THN (Although the THN runs on open source software which is free, however some software does cost a little to purchase/subscribe to)
  • Maybe the odd beer.

Some things to keep in mind. By donating funds to the THN however big or small, will not grant you any extra permissions, or access rights within the THN. Donations to the THN are also completely separate to the donations towards running the Neocron servers. In other words donating towards the THN costs does not pay towards the costs of running the Neocron servers. The NST have a separate donation page for the running costs of the Neocron servers, so if you want to help them out please use their donation page.

Still want to donate to the THN – Click that button on the right marked Donate – Thanks!

The current plans for the THN
Written by Brammers   
Saturday, 30 May 2015

Last week I said I would post up what I have planned for the THN in the future, so here is a rough plan. Why a rough plan, well for many reasons. The main reason is trying to keep the THN in step with what the NST is doing to Neocron. Also this list isn't an exact order. If you are expecting timescales, I'm not going to give any exact times.

Items DB - As some of you know, the NST are changing the implants and armour on the Neocron test server, which will mean a massive update to the items DB. A rewrite from scratch is in progress, and a few people have did a little bit of testing. Some of the main changes include moving the whole Items DB to it's own domain and decoupling it completely from the CMS system that runs the THN main site. Also registered users will be able to submit item updates. A more detailed post will be posted soon hopefully with a URL for you to try and visit.

The THN Wiki - One of the main problems with the wiki is having to register to use it when you already have a THN login to the Rares DB and the THN forums.  Also it will get an upgrade to the latest wiki software and also changes to various integrations to the THN and NC.

The THN main website - The CMS software and version is pretty old and it does need replacing, but it isn't an easy job due to the Items DB being part of the CMS. Once the Items DB has been replaced, we can look at moving to a new CMS/Publishing solution. Before then, we do need some articles moving off which belong in the NC wiki, so expect to see requests for help updating articles over the coming months.

Other bits - The Rares DB will get an upgrade along with the forum system. However these are low priority projects.

Got any questions, feel free to ask on our Facebook page or start a thread in the THN forums or the NC forums .

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