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NC.SynergyXR website closing down
Written by Brammers   
Thursday, 07 September 2006

The THN is sad to hear that FN has annoucned the SXR - NC Resource site is closing down.

FN Wrote: "This is it. The time has come. For doing what was right, I'm dragged away to death. And Thebes, city where I was born, And you my friends, the rich people of Thebes, Will you judge between us? you might at least look and remember."

nc.syn will be shutting down on 8th Sept 2006. The reasons are many so I won't go into them. I wish everyone good luck in Neocron and if you see FN or FuckNut with an 'SXR' tagged onto it in games in the future, be sure to say hi!"

Everyone here will be sure to say "Hi" ;) This website has been one of the places to go for finding out about weapons, implants and also factions epics. Even as a 4 year vet of the game, I still even refer to the guides!

We wish FN the best of luck on what he is going to do in the future, and also a big thanks for what he has done over the last 4 years for the game. The THN is trying to contact FN about hosting the NC.Syn content on the THN, more news soon.

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