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Free hosting for NC Players
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 04 October 2006

Kane on the official forums has posted a thread with an excellent offer to host Neocron Fansites, resource websites and clan websites free of charge!

So there is no excuse for not having a Neocron 2 website. If you do have a Neocron 2 website, add it to the Neocron 2 Webring, so more people get to see your website.

Click on Read More to see what Kane is offering, or read his thread for a little more information.

Here is what Kane wrote.  

What I offer.

100MB Space
5000MB Bandwidth
MYSQL Databases
Easy Scripts Installer
…and much much.

You may only host Neocron Content only. The Cpanel system is amazing and very easy to use.

What’s the catch?

There is none! This just a way to attract more people into Neocron. How? Well Google indexes millions of web pages out there the more key words like Neocron and such it picks up the more site people land on and see this game the more people get interested.

All we ask place a text link or better yet a banner directed to the Neocron website and that’s all!

Your domain can be anything.mmohost.com or if you have your own domain you can point to our server.

How do I signup?

I'm a bit too lazy to make a signup page and this way can make sure you guys do it right. So to signup send an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it with the following information.

Subject: Webhosting
Your first name or Neocron Char Name.
The name domain you want so the anything.mmohost.com so replace the name in anything.
A temporary password (Do not  send your neocron password or account name at all, the temporary password is temporary so you can change it later in the Cpanel.)
What you want to use the free hosting for? Ie. Clan, Fansite etc.

Then I will email you back within a few hours or less with your account setup!

We also back it up weekly and also if you do something wrong like not run Neocron type content we will backup your work, suspend your account and make sure you get your backup!

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Last updated Sat 21 Dec 2024 16:45 (UTC)

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