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Pistol Guide
Written by BradSTL   


Pistols are DEX-based weapons that sacrifice range for light weight, high rate of fire, and higher stopping power. They require little or no Weapon Lore to aim. They do have to be aimed at the target for a certain amount of time to get maximum accuracy.

9mm Pistol


Burst/Clip: 1/20
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 108 m
Max Frequency: 92 / min
Pros: Can be modified to cause damage-over-time.
Cons: Highest TL version is 88.

The Pistol resembles archaic firearms in a lot of ways. A single bullet is loaded into the firing chamber where a hammer propels the projectile when the trigger is pulled.

Nail Gun


Burst/Clip: 1/20
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 92 m
Max Frequency: 108 / min
Pros: Has a 'knock-back' effect. Can be modified to cause damage-over-time.
Cons: Relatively low damage and firing rate.

Although created as a tool, the Nail Gun has become a popular and extremely cheap weapon, often used by Mutants and Muggers.

Automatic Pistol


Burst/Clip: 4/40
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 296 m
Max Frequency: 116 / min
Pros: None, really.
Cons: High recoil, short-range.

No information available about this item.

Sub-Machine Gun


Burst/Clip: 4/40
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 171 m
Max Frequency: 370 / min
Pros: Higher Frequency than Automatic Pistols. High Piercing Damage
Cons: Condition decreases incredibly fast. Must land most hits to be effective.

Offering the ability of concealment and a delivery of superiour firepower in close-quarters combat, the Sub-Machine Gun has become the most favored side-arm of Bodyguards and Security Personnel. The Sub-Machine Gun has also been known to be the preferred backup weapon for many soldiers of the City Mercs.

Firing a burst of bullets, The Sub-Machine Gun causes piercing damage to the target. Bleeding, both internal and external, is the most common effect, though other kinds of damage can be caused when the Sub-Machine Gun is loaded with non-standard ammunition.

Mini Rocket-Launcher


Burst/Clip: 1/16
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 42 m
Max Frequency: 116 / min
Pros: Does Area-of-Effect Damage (AoE)
Cons: Not very accurate. Not very powerful.

No information available about this item.

Gatlin Pistol


Burst/Clip: 4/40
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 370 m
Max Frequency: 116 / min
Pros: At capped frequency, virtually non-stop firing rate. Long range for a Pistol.
Cons: Moderate recoil. Overall damage isn't that high. No rare version.

Gatling Weapons are the favorite choice of the Aggressor Mutants. Some scientists even suggest that they are born with them. The very high firing rate and firepower make Gatling Weapons a powerful argument in battle.

Laser Pistol


Burst/Clip: 1/40
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 262 m
Max Frequency: 92 / min
Pros: High damage per shot, but fires in single shots rather than bursts. Longest range for a pistol.
Cons: None, really.

The Laser Pistol causes damage by the extreme heat the beam emits. The heat of current laser guns is so high that it is able to melt through most kinds of armor, burning the flesh underneath. The heat emitted by the beam of the Laser Pistol is rather weak when compared to the beam which the rifle emits. The main effects of wounds caused by lasers are second to third degree burns. Bleeding and other secondary effects are just a minimal part of the damage.

Pulselaser Pistol


Burst/Clip: 4/40
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 116 m
Max Frequency: 370 / min
Pros: Insanely high rate of fire. Very high damage. Long range.
Cons: Even with capped handling, tends to miss 15-20% of the time. Goes through ammo like crazy.

The Laser Pistol causes damage by the extreme heat the beam emits. The heat of current laser guns is so high that it is able to melt through most kinds of armor, burning the flesh underneath. The heat emitted by the beam of the Laser Pistol is rather weak when compared to the beam which the rifle emits. The main effects of wounds caused by lasers are second to third degree burns. Bleeding and other secondary effects are just a minimal part of the damage.

Freezer Pistol


Burst/Clip: 1/30
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 92 m
Max Frequency: 116 / min
Pros: Slightly slows other players run and turning speed.
Cons: Such a small effect, it's really not useful. Does not work in PvM.

As conflict grew within the city, weapons manufacturers soon realized the demand for a more compact, lighter-weight version of the current energy weapons being used. Soon, top engineers at the Tangent Division of BioTech Industries, Inc., mastered the art of micro-weapon design and production, leading to a steady flow of energy pistol weapons into the city.

The Freezer Pistol fires a negative ion pulse that is designed to slow the actions of the affected target. It does so by making the neurons throughout the targetted individual's nervous system more negatively charged, making it harder, if not impossible, for most neuron's to create action potentials for a short time, thus stunning and disorienting the individual who has been hit.

Plasma Pistol


Burst/Clip: 2/??
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 0 m
Max Frequency: 0 / min

As conflict grew within the city, weapons manufacturers soon realized the demand for a more compact, lighter-weight version of the current energy weapons being used. Soon, top engineers at the Tangent Division of BioTech Industries, Inc., mastered the art of micro-weapon design and production, leading to a steady flow of energy pistol weapons into the city.

The Plasma Pistol uses a combination of plasma formation methods to maximize effectiveness. The intense heat of the plasma (approximately 106K) incinerates almost anything in it's path, inflicting severe heat damage on the target. This, in combination with the kinetic energy of the beam's acceleration, makes it one of the most powerful pistols available.

Fusion Pistol


Burst/Clip: 2/30
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 203 m
Max Frequency: 185 / min
Pros: High-damage if both barrels hit. Moderate range.
Cons: Moderate-to-high amount of recoil. Distance does NOT increase damage.

As conflict grew within the city, weapons manufacturers soon realized the demand for a more compact, lighter-weight version of the current energy weapons being used. Soon, top engineers at the Tangent Division of BioTech Industries, Inc., mastered the art of micro-weapon design and production, leading to a steady flow of energy pistol weapons into the city.

The Fusion Pistol causes damage to the target by fusing the target's atoms upon impact. Points of impact from the Fusion Pistol sometimes resemble pre-melted mixtures of coldred wax. Even the toughest armor had been known to fail when under the assault by a skilled opponent wielding a Fusion Pistol. Due to it's Fusion Technology, the Fusion Pistol delivers most damage near to its maximum range.

Raygun Pistol


Burst/Clip: 2/30
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 171 m
Max Frequency: 185 / min
Pros: Great close-range damage. Decent Rate-of-Fire. User can be "sloppy" and still hit a lot.
Cons: Increased distance really decreases damage output.

As conflict grew within the city, weapons manufacturers soon realized the demand for a more compact, lighter-weight version of the current energy weapons being used. Soon, top engineers at the Tangent Division of BioTech Industries, Inc., mastered the art of micro-weapon design and production, leading to a steady flow of energy pistol weapons into the city.

The Raygun Pistol bores through the target by disassembling it at the atomic level. It's effect on the target is somewhat unique. When struck by the beam, the target's component atoms reassemble as a fine mist that slowly disippates. The mist is small enough to be absorbed through most air filters, leading to a pretty grisly, yet mostly bloodless aftermath. The effect of the Raygun decreases noticeably with increasing length of the ray.

Ion Crossbow


Burst/Clip: 1/30
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 0 m
Max Frequency: 0 / min
Pros: Decent Rate of Fire. Very High Damage.
Cons: Requires Wisdom of Ceres DEX Level 1

The Juggernaught Crossbow Pistol is an interesting new addition to the weapons market. It is capable of firing high-powered, radiating particles, a remnant technology from the Scout Bots of the Dome of York.

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Last updated Fri 28 Feb 2025 13:00 (UTC)

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