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Heavy Weapons Guide
Friday, 08 September 2006


Heavy weapons are STR-based weapons that cause about as much damage as pistols, at better range, with slightly lower rate of fire. They require moderate amounts of Weapon Lore to reach full accuracy. You run a lot slower with a heavy weapon in your hands than you do without one.

Trash Grenade


Burst/Clip: 1/1
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 0 m
Max Frequency: 0 / min

The Trash Hand Grenade is the Hand Grenade for the small pocket. Bad workmanship and crappy components make this grenade more like playing Russian Roullete than being a useful weapon.

Hand Grenade


Burst/Clip: 1/1
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 0 m
Max Frequency: 0 / min
Pros: Decent Range. Very wide area effect.
Cons: Similar to Kamikazi drones but MUCH weaker. Hard to aim at times.

Developed by Tangent, the High-Tech Hand Grenade distinguishes itself due to a high explosive effect and reliability. The motto is: "Throw & Forget". Some tanks earlier did the "Forget" before the "Throw", and paid for this with the loss of several body parts.

Grenade Launcher


Burst/Clip: 1/6
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 0 m
Max Frequency: 0 / min
Pros: Area-Effect Damage. Can be modified to cause Damage-over-Time.
Cons: No high TL version.

Most plans found for Grenade Launchers in the Ceres Project involved bullet type ammo, where the grenade was first shot like a slug and then a small payload of explosives was delivered. Calispicus, a former machinist in the Dome of York, decided it would be better to find a way to deliver a much larger payload without the risk of it exploding from the initial firing. After devising that hydraulics were much too heavy, he decided the best way to launch a grenade without any combustion was a pneumatic delivery system. He tore apart a small pneumatic forklift for parts and quickly went to work forging the chassis of the weapon. After producing a decidely large, but functional prototype, he was given a team to help him refine and miniaturize it until they came up with a model similar to the current one. Since then the only real changes have been cosmetic.



Burst/Clip: 1/20
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 0 m
Max Frequency: 0 / min
Pros: High Rate-of-Fire. Can be modified to cause Poison Damage or Damage-over-Time.
Cons: Very short range. Low damage at anything but Melee Range.

The current Flamethrower can be loaded with various highly toxic and flammable liquids. When fired, the high compression of the liquid used ensures high efficiency and firepower.

Gatlin Cannon


Burst/Clip: 4/??
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 0 m
Max Frequency: 0 / min
Pros: Very high Rate-of-Fire. Decent Range. Great against Monks.
Cons: Moderate Recoil.

Gatling Weapons are the favorite choice of the Aggressor Mutants. Some scientists even suggest that they are born with them. The very high firing rate and firepower make Gatling Weapons a powerful argument in battle.

Laser Cannon


Burst/Clip: ?/?
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 0 m
Max Frequency: 0 / min
Pros: Very long range. Can cause undetected Energy Damage (i.e. no blood splash)
Cons: Fairly weak damage.


Freezer Cannon


Burst/Clip: ?/?
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 0 m
Max Frequency: 0 / min
Cons: The Stun effect is so minor, it's not worth using.


Plasma Cannon


Burst/Clip: 4/?
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 0 m
Max Frequency: 0 / min
Pros: High Rate of Fire, Very High Damage
Cons: Medium Range. Rarely lands 4/4 hits

The Phase-Induced Plasma Cannon, PIP Z85, uses a combination of plasma formation and ohmic plasma-ignition methods to maximize effectiveness. This technique uses particle-charged magnetic field beams induced into existing plasma, thereby multiplying the energy level of the plasma by 3.3 EV. The downside of this method is the relatively low density of the plasma charge, giving it a reduced kinetic impact effect. This however, is more than compensated by the higher energy level of the plasma charge. The intense heat of the plasma (10 6 K) incinerates almost anything along it's path, inflicting severe heat damage to it's targets. This makes the Z85 one of the strongest weapons on the battlefield.

Rocket Launcher


Burst/Clip: 1/?
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 0 m
Max Frequency: 0 / min
Pros: Very Long Range. High Damage. Area of Effect Damage. Anti-Vehicle Versions.
Cons: Low Rate of Fire. Inaccurate.

Developed by The City Mercs and distributed by Tangent, the Rocket Launcher represents the perfect weapon for long-range combat against large targets. Six Non-Guided High Explosive rocket projectiles with a maximum range of 3km make this weapon absolutely lethal on impact.

Plasma Wave Cannon


Burst/Clip: ?/?
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 0 m
Max Frequency: 0 / min
Pros: Similar to a Laser Cannon, but better. Very High Range. Accurate.

The Phase-Induced Plasma Cannon, PIP Z85, uses a combination of plasma formation and ohmic plasma-ignition methods to maximize effectiveness. This technique uses particle-charged magnetic field beams induced into existing plasma, thereby multiplying the energy level of the plasma by 3.3 EV. The downside of this method is the relatively low density of the plasma charge, giving it a reduced kinetic impact effect. This however, is more than compensated by the higher energy level of the plasma charge. The intense heat of the plasma (10 6 K) incinerates almost anything along it's path, inflicting severe heat damage to it's targets. This makes the Z85 one of the strongest weapons on the battlefield.

Fusion Cannon


Burst/Clip: 1/??
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 0 m
Max Frequency: 0 / min

The Fusion Cannon represents the latest development in cold-fusion weapon technology. Orginally developed for the heavy weapon support teams of the CityMercs, the Fusion Cannon is distinguishable through high firepower and destructiveness. The disadvantages of the Fusion Cannon are it's heavy weight and awkwardness.

Raygun Cannon


Burst/Clip: ?/?
Max Damage: 178%
Max Aiming: 267%
Max Range: 0 m
Max Frequency: 0 / min
Pros: Area-Effect Damage. Reasonably Accurate.


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Last updated Fri 28 Feb 2025 12:25 (UTC)

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