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Home arrow Patch Notes arrow Patch 182
Patch 182
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 06 May 2013

Patch 182 is out, along with a double XP week.


  • Access to the Gene Replication Network now requires Runners to have -31 Soul Light or higher.
  • Access to the Venture Warp Network now requires Runners to have -31 Soul Light or higher.
  • Access to vendors in safe zones requires Runners to have -31 Soul Light or higher.
  • Access to Apartment Access Interfaces in safe zones requires Runners to have -31 Soul Light or higher.
  • Automatic Soul Light regeneration has been disabled.

  • Damage output of the TL115 Disruptor lowered by 25% to compensate for aggressive burst bonus.
  • Damage output of the TL113 Ceres Assault Rifle CAR-47 and the TL108 Infiltration Assault Rifle IAR-47 lowered by 20% to compensate for aggressive burst bonus.
  • Speed malus when equipping a heavy weapon has been reduced from 20% to 10%.
  • Switching weapons while reloading has been disabled.

  • New hit box colouring has been added to more easily identify clan mates. (Customise BBClanMate in rposcolor.ini)
  • Gamemasters are now able to set zones to safezones while the server is running.
  • Gamemasters are now able to set zones to automatically log out players after a certain time of idling.
  • Gamemasters are now able to set zones to spawn players at the reset point after logging out.

You can discuss the patch notes here.


Server Populations
Server Players Status
Titan 11 Online

Last updated Sat 27 Jul 2024 08:10 (UTC)

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