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Patch 165
Written by CMaster   
Wednesday, 16 May 2007

So, a new patch.

Some changes to PPU abilities, some drone changes. Speeded up construction again and fixed various tradeskill bugs. Still no news on weapon balancing as a whole, or on NPC balancing. As ever, you can discuss at the offical forum thread. Or click read more to view full notes.

 Offical Forum Thread


  •   Increased psi usage and cast time for rare anti-support modules (i.e. Exorcist).
  •   Holy Unprotector has received an additional boost of psi usage because of its special kind of functionality.
  •   Visual effects added on the target for removing or boosting spells (i.e. Unprotector, Skill-Boosters, AntiDeflector, ...).
* Remover: color is equal to the color of the corresponding support spell
* Booster: combat boosters use red - support boosters use green color


  • - Drones with AoE damage now damage themselves when they are in the damage area.
  • - Damage over time effects on drones are now converted to instant damage.
  • - Resistance cap raised by 10 percent.


  • - Changed hit region (head, torso, legs) calculation for NPCs to be a little less random.
  • - Fixed a bug that allowed runners to damage vehicle passengers with AoE weapons.
  • - Construction time lowered by 30 percent.
  • - Fixed a problem with the construction of items with techlevels lower than 2.
  • - Fixed the hand grenade TG-275 'Freedom Strike'.
  • - All hand grenades now have 10 uses.
  • - Some types of WoC ammunition were not clonable, fixed.
  • - Some types of WoC ammo converters were not researchable, fixed.
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Last updated Sat 27 Jul 2024 07:40 (UTC)

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