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Patch 160
Written by CMaster   
Thursday, 15 March 2007
Patch 160, fixing many of the early 2.2 issues. - Fixed a bug with the law enforcer settings.
- A few items had disappeared, they should now be back:
Holy True Sight Sanctum
Holy Catharsis

- All drones are now researchable.
- Fixed the techlevel of Crahn Fire Lance, it is now TL 17.
- Fixed Multi Lightning Bolt.
- The WOC-PA's for APU and PPU now give penalties to 'Agility' instead of 'Focussing'.


- Combat rank for non-PPU players changed, lowered both the offensive and defensive parts by 10 percent.
- Combat rank of hackers inside the hacknet fixed.


- NPCs re-balanced: Damage and armor reduced.
- Different content gaps closed in the hacknet databases.


- Fixed wrong shot effects and damage weighting for:
Fallen Angels Light Security Bot
Fallen Angels Heavy Security Bot
Light Malfunctioning Bot
Heavy Malfunctioning Bot
Fallen Angels Light Security Bot
Fallen Angels Heavy Security Bot
Server Populations
Server Players Status
Titan 6 Online

Last updated Sat 27 Jul 2024 04:15 (UTC)

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