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Patch 141 & 142
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 15 August 2005
Another patch from KK. A lot of welcomed little bug fixes and tweaks to the game. Patch note disccussion can be found here and the bug thread can be found here. Othwerwise click on read more for the patch notes.


- Worldchange - Vehicles now wait for passengers to be respawned on client-side, then continue with the previous position, direction and velocity.
- Effects added/changed (exhaust, wheel-dust, etc.).
- Speed values of all vehicles re-balanced (more power).
- Condition-Bug fixed (shorter update-time).
- Increased the prices of glider vehicles.


- Fixed Inventory issues (added Mouse wheel scrolling and item moving features, usually items could not be moved back to their original spot, this is fixed now).
- Fixed main issues with Nav-Ray (especially pathfinding in Dome of York).
- Fixed scrolling problems in Main Menu
- Fixed rare client crash in ambient sound system.
- Increased multithread safety in main menu (regarding login freeze issue).
- Modified code to prevent startup emails being sent multiple times.
- Optimized some database queries (server-side only).
- Fixed a bug that caused items with a PSI bonus to also give a stamina bonus.
- Fixed damage ratio check for PvP combat. Players can now do up to 15% damage to another player without recieving a SL/FS hit. This should help with things like a single accidental hit against a teammate. This may solve the LE'd runners recieving the hit aswell.


- Krupp Factory: The plant is no longer a recreation unit.
- Bum Asylum: The plants are no longer 500nc access fee interfaces.
- K_10: The barrels are no longer chairs.
- K_14: The fence "explosive barrel"removed.
- MB Entrance: closed the elevator.
- D_09: floating chair now has its 4 feet on the ground.
- Plaza1,Plaza2 and Via Rosso: fixed doors opening on one side only.
- Electric Vibes Club: Some tables in the area are no longer chairs.
- Added more guards in the ViaRosso and Plaza Faction Headquarters near the Genereplicator units.
- Master Hunters added in Via Rosso Sec-3 and the Tiki Tornado Club. These Master Hunters are collecting series of normal trophies to hand out special super trophies. More information can be obtained at the NPCs.
- Added 3 Super Trophies.
- Increased the model size of most mobs in the new player MC5.
- Damage-Restriction (One-Shot-Kill-Protection) is now limited to characters controlled by players - this make npcs stronger as they can potentially one-shot players.


- Added "Call of the Hurlerking" Run.
 Text: "A  reconnaissance team of the Dome of York forces has reported spottings of the so called and even more mysterious Hurlerking in the desert areas of the Wastelands. After the last radio call the team never returned to their base and is now listed as Missing in Action.
- Fixed mission targets (npcs left to kill) not updating / displaying correctly on the client sometimes.
- PvP kill targets have been adjusted to Faction NPC kills.
- Fixed several functional and spelling errors in all Epic Runs.
- Reduced FS/SL gains from Research & Construction missions, as well as adjusted FS needed to do the missions.

Other fixes:

- Reduced FS/SL gains from Research & Construction missions, as well as adjusted FS needed to do the missions. (The skill restriction required, will be added at a later date. There was an issue with it that could not be resolved in time for this patch)
- Fixed, damage ratio check for PvP combat. Player's can now do upto 15% damage to another player without recieving a SL/FS hit. This should help with things like a single accidental hit against a teammate. Also, no more one punch then run to the guards exploiting. This may solve the LE'd runner's recieving the hit aswell.
- Fixed Health Bounce bug when taking damage. (The infamous Yo-Yo bug, most noticable with fall damage.)

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Last updated Fri 28 Feb 2025 11:45 (UTC)

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