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Patch 131
Written by Tratos   
Thursday, 28 April 2005
This patch introduced us to the mysterious double agent Mr Jones as well as added quite alot of new content.
Game Start

Starter Missions
-Job-specific Starter Missions including new NPCs, items, and areas have been added to make the game introduction easier and more interesting for new players. The Starter Missions are available for all factions except for the City Mercs. Due to the small gameworld size of the Military Base it was not possible to implement the Starter Missions for the CityMercs but we are currently developing a extra CityMerc Mercenary Trial, which will go live with one of the following patches. After you leave the MC5 processing facility you will meet Mr. Jones in your apartment who will then introduce you to the Starter Missions, and after finishing each mission you will receive a job-specific reward. If you choose not to run the Starter Missions you may dismiss Mr. Jones but be warned, he does not like to be messed around and will not give you a second chance. The Starter Missions can be done by players with a base rank of up to 25.

Game World

Canyon Facility
The old Canyon has been completely re-modelled. The DoY Alliance Leader will be pleased to discuss this further with DOY-loyal Runners.

Neocron Police Department
The refit of the Neocron Police Department is now complete and the building will be re-opened. Please note that the building's new security system has been activated so weapons can no longer be drawn inside.

Neocron ConCenter
The Neocron ConCenter has also been re-opened to all Neocron factions and may be used as a meeting place. The acoustic problems in the faction rooms have now been identified and resolved.

Mysterious Maze
New enemies have been spotted in The Mysterious Maze. For Runners between base levels 20-30 it may be worth your while having a talk with the Manager at the entrance to the Maze.

Other Game World Changes

Voice of the Resistance Offices
Several Voice of the Resistance Offices, similar to the NEMA Offices, have been opened. Your DOY Reporter will be happy to answer any questions you may have about this matter and will naturally be happy to receive any submissions for news articles - the bloodier the better.

Pepper Park
- Rocco’s Seafood in Pepper Park Sec-2
has been demolished after a food poisoning incident saw the end of two minor city officials who dined and died there earlier this year. You can now find a Red Pepper Entertainment Group Bar there instead. Rumours that Red Pepper Entertainment had any involvement with the Fugu shipment in question proved to be unfounded and we wish them every success with their new venture.
- Several noise issues were identified and resolved.
- Various small cosmetic improvements have been undertaken for your benefit and convenience.
Military Base
- Military Base Sec-1 is now a Safezone which means you may no longer draw any weapons in the vicinity.
- All Outzone sectors except for 'Outzone Station' have been re-classified as Hunting Grounds.

Neocron Subway
- The Security system in the Neocron Subway has been deactivated and the Copbot presence has been increased to compensate.

High Level Quests
Several new High Level Quests have been added to the Game World.
High Level Quests can only be attempted by Runners of base level 55 onwards, however it is recommended that they be executed with the support of well equipped groups as we consciously tried to give you some tough nuts to crack. Note that these quests can only be completed once by each Runner. Of course they offer, in addition to the fun of following the quests themselves, numerous rewards in the form of rare items which may only be attained by completing these High Level Quests.

'The Canyon Challenge' DoY Alliance Quest
'The Canyon Challenge' DoY Alliance Quest is only available to the DoY Alliance. The contact person for this quest will be Commander Hopkins.

'Reporting for Duty' City Mercs Quest
The 'Reporting for Duty' City Mercs Quest is only available to members of the City Mercs and the contact person for this quest will be Master Sergeant Harrison.
'Reza's Calling' Neocron Alliance Quest
The 'Reza's Calling' Neocron Alliance Quest is only available to the Neocron Alliance. The contact person for this quest will be Commissioner Lightfield.
'The Hunt for the Crossbow'
The previous 'Ion Crossbow' Quest has been completely reworked and changed to a big run. Devlin Jones in the 'Twisters' in i_09 will be able to tell you more about this. Unfortunately all existing Crossbows need to be wiped to support the new quest.

Other Changes and Bugfixes
- Changed Drugs to use Medical Substances in their build lists.
- Fixed Juggernaut X-Bow pistol's Stats and repair bug
- Fixed HEW Attack Software v0.05's desire to be a HEW Attack Software v0.01
- Increased New Player MC5 Boss spawn rate
- Increased drop chance of Ultima Mods to slightly less then Tech parts.

- Adjusted damages on Hacknet weapons.
- Added apartment keys for all Canyon apartments to the Twilight Guardian Faction Supply Manager.
- Adjusted the starter equipment for some professions.
- Fixed a couple of memory leaks in CityCom forum system.
- Fixed a bug crashing the server when trying to load certain Wasteland zones with broken world data.
- Fixed a bug in the mission database system causing the mission to fail in some cases.
- Re-enabled the scrollbar on the left side of the NavRay window.
- Added option to specify HackNet entries as NavRay destination target.
- Changed NPCs with area damage so they do not hurt themselves anymore
- Enhanced server-side character name abuse filter
- Disabled OOC chat channel by default, enabled faction and alliance channels by default for new clients
Server Populations
Server Players Status
Titan 9 Online

Last updated Fri 28 Feb 2025 11:45 (UTC)

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