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Home arrow Patch Notes arrow Patch 108
Patch 108
Written by Tratos   
Tuesday, 05 October 2004
Neocron 2 bug & exploit fix patch.

Quoting the Official Thread: "Not that much to discuss as most of the stuff has been left out because it needs further testing. We patched today to fix an exploit."

- Fixed an exploit.
- Fixed "push-away effect" when using certain weapons/tools, e.g. stealth tools
- Fixed bug in dialogue script faction check function
- Dialogue scripts now use the runner's faction sympathy instead of his clan's faction sympathy

Some of the stuff for the next patch:
- Fixing lots of epic bugs.
- Fixed all PAs: You can play now all emotes and animations on every PA.
- Fixed PSI-PA not playing any cast animations. Works now.
- Added Weaponattachbone: You can see now your weapon on your PA.
- All PAs now use the MOCap animations instead of the old one.
- Increased all PA texture resolutions up to 512
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Titan 11 Online

Last updated Sat 27 Jul 2024 02:25 (UTC)

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