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Worm Tunnels
Written by CMaster   
Saturday, 02 December 2006
Mysterious caves in the desert, filled with even more mysterious etheral creatures.


The Worm Tunnels are the cave type native to the Desert regions of the map. 

Worm Tunnel 1 : K10, on the road

Worm Tunnel 2 : K12, just north of Tescom Uplink

Worm Tunnel 3 : J12, near the road junction

Worm Tunnel 4 : K14, on the road

Worm Tunnel 6 : J09, on the road east of Yutano Mine



 Sample ImageSoulcluster 70/70 and Big Soulcluster 80/80 - Strange glowing blobs of energy, that circle around and deal out electric (energy + xray + paralyse) attacks with signficant knockback.
 Sample ImageFen Fire 90/90 and Big Fen Fire 100/100 - Equally weird glowing energy spirits, that swirl and launch another beam attack. Some stories suggest that there is an element of fire damage in the attack here - can't confirm that.
 Active ImageApparition 120/120 - (Tunnel 2 only) The mean mother (father?) at the heart of the most sacred of spaces in the worm tunnels. Just reaching the inner sanctum containing this creature is a challenge - a swim through an underwater tunnel, guarded by minions is a first challenge. When arriving, the apparition seems to be just that - a barely visible creature, that seems able to cross the room with a mere change of its orientation. The only convincing argument that it is real is the extremely painful electric attack it doles out, accompanied with a para comparable to that of a copbot.


Soulclusters drop an item known as Unreal Fabric. Fen Fires drop Fire Cores. There is no (openly) known use for either of these pieces of junk at the moment. Medkits and stams also sometimes appear in the loot. The Apparition drops a collection of stams, meds and can also drop techs as well as being the exclusive source for the Energy Soulblade .


Soulclusters are almost unique in that their primary resistance is to energy. This can sometimes prove somewhat a problem with regaurds to weapon selection, but suitable equipment is availble - lowtech weaponry is often favourable, as are fire/posion spells for APUs. The attacks appear to be primarily energy/xray based, so armour accordingly. The para is, excluding that of the apparition not a major problem. With regards to those who go hunting the apparition, leave the water for the ledge as soon as you finish swimming through the tunnel. Any greater delay results in being pinned to the floor by attack knockback and para, until drowning or defeat by the clusters. A PPU as accompaniment is very much recomonded for Apparition attempts, but largley unnecessary for other tunnels.


Worm Tunnel 5 exists, but is not accessible normally. Like Crystal Cave 1, the reason for this isn't clear. The background to the Worm Tunnels is unclear. Both the structure and the name implies that the tunnels were perhaps dug by (clearly far larger) relatives of the Hazard Worms and Sandcrawlers, a species now very rare in the wastes. Rumour exist as to sitings of a far larger variety of worm in the deserts, that are perhaps accountable. Equally, the very nature of soulclusters isn't really clear. The name and appearance is very etheral, but why they exist or why the clusters gather in the tunnels under the desert is unknown. Many runners say that experiences with the Apparition in it's inner sanctum can be "quite spiritual" and popular fiction ascribes soulclusters to being just that - fallen Souls.

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